Tuesday 12 March 2013

Blogging News...

It's fair to say we disagreed more often than we agreed, but it's a shame to see that, after so many years, Insp Gadget is joining my 'Departed' blogroll.

The blogosphere is all the poorer for no longer having him in it.

In other news, even though I loathe it myself, and my heart sinks every time I have to squint to figure out the numbers, I may have to resort to the dreaded captcha if the tide of spam (200 or more in a day!) I'm currently facing keeps up.

Unless anyone has any good ideas for stopping it, short of that drastic measure? Certainly, Blogger doesn't seem to be doing much about it...


  1. Emigrate.

    To Wordpress.

    Spam captured, no trolls, peaceful sleep.

    IG may be missed, but not the thugs that commented there. It opened my eyes (even wider) to just how unthinking our police force actually is.

    Only very rarely did I see a decent comment by a decent copper.


  2. The Gadgetistas are wailing and mourning and I was also reduced to tears.

  3. Fidel Cuntstruck12 March 2013 at 09:29

    True, but then they do say that all good things come to an end. The greatest thing (for me anyway) about the Blogosphere, is that you don't need to agree with what people post and even reading the opinion of someone who you normally disagree with can be thought provoking, frustrating and sometimes just hugely entertaining. It's not like reading a newspaper or watching a news bulletin where the opinions and content are merely the spin on someone's agenda.

    I think that the PTB are rightly nervous of the Blogosphere because they can't control it and I do wonder if some of the spamming, provocative and downright defamatory postings are merely shitstirring by people who don't want us to see the truth in what's out there - the easiest way to hide a successful, informative blog from us Plebs is to shut it down is it not?

    I guess spamming and nuisance posters are always going to be a feature of any blog, one of the reasons why I've never started my own, although I've lots I want to say I simply don't have the time or the inclination to spend all day every day filtering out the material that damages the blog and I do wonder if that's been one of the reasons IG decided to stop? The list of idiots claiming "first" after every new post was never very helpful in my humble opinion.

  4. Inspector Gadget probably said all he had to say without it all becoming Groundhog Day. He raised some perfecttly good 'issues around' policing and the management madness, target driven silliness and PC driven municpal socilaist bollocks such as LGBT Day, Balck hisotry minth, Wimmin and the glass ceiling etc etc. What and who let him down were the core bunch of idiot commenters - many I suspect weren't real police or if so were part of the new breed. Most of them silly idiots, immature cocks and arrogant wankers.

    Still I-G annoyed MTG - so it wasn't all bad eh Melv? Taken the largactyl today?

  5. It may be said of Gadgeteers that they figure among the dumbest, cowardly commenters in the Universe. Yet they have other qualities.

    These same gutsy sciolists were soon rallied to ostentatious valour by the gauntlet: 'Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?'

  6. I resorted to the dreaded Captcha a few days ago, after six months of unrelenting spam. I only had 30-50 a day, not 200, but it was wearing me down. I have to say that the WV has so far been 100% effective, and comments have not dried up. I'm going to keep it on for a week or two and then take it off and see how it goes. For a small blog like mine it's not really worth the hassle of changing platforms, but I like the idea of pre-moderating the first comment only, so maybe WP is a solution for the old sabre-tooth.

  7. "- so it wasn't all bad eh Melv?"

    Agreed. Crude language and coarse slapstick are just tolerable in small doses - and as a source of plod 'culture' it was a revelation.

    "Taken the largactyl today?"

    Your 45C knowledge is always entertaining but a Xmas-cracker stethoscope for duping children is of no use here, Dr Ranter.

  8. From Gadgets comments: "Tang - Hold on you bastard, we just bought you a new computer…we were investing in the future!!!"


    I enjoyed his blog and will miss it but some commentors and a particularly vile resident troll...no, not you Melv ...not so much.

    I can't even remember how I landed here with Julia but pretty sure it was off a police blog, if not Gadgets.

    Anyhoo...t'was Gadget first confirmed my suspicions as to the way his part of society really works and encouraged me to look farther and deeper so to him and for that I'm grateful.

    Best o' luck to him, I say and to all policemen and women.

  9. So, Melv, that's a no then?

  10. I enjoy this blog and would probably miss all but one 'commentor', a particularly vile chav...no, not you Tatty ...I was thinking of some other polemic known for her dysfunctional postings.


  11. "So, Melv, that's a no then?"

    You can answer your own question upon being better acquainted with UK prescriptions, Dr Ranter. The drug you misspelled was one of several first generation anti-psychotics; rarely prescribed here.

    However it is effective in preventing the expulsion of stomach contents upon exposure to malodours arising from say, gangrenous ulceration. BTW how are your bad feet?

  12. Julia, 200 spams a day sounds like blogging heaven in a way. I've had up to 600 odd spams in a day. I temporarily lost some proper comments due to spam filter lucky I got them back.

  13. "Im not gadget… of course…but all are welcome on my blog…"

    ^^^A timely and munificent gesture from the blogger 'shijuro'.
    More thoughtfully enterprising as a keen undertaker distributing business cards among hospice residents.

    Today, blogging took a quantum leap in egocentricity.

  14. Melvin I assume you have a party hat and balloons in your padded cell today as a blog you are banned from folded?
    Gloating is an unpleasant quality,one of your many unpleasant qualities.
    To you armchair experts/critics on policing I can assure Gadget was most of the time absolutely spot on.
    I hope he has just retired and not been outed by DPS or outed by a troll,some of whom infest this blog.

  15. Well, whatever it was that George Dixon wouldn't have stood for; its gone. Page/post at Gadget's place deleted.

  16. "Emigrate.

    To Wordpress."

    *sigh* Yes. It's finding the time!

    "The greatest thing (for me anyway) about the Blogosphere, is that you don't need to agree with what people post and even reading the opinion of someone who you normally disagree with can be thought provoking, frustrating and sometimes just hugely entertaining."

    Spot on! Something disappearing fast newspapers moderate their comments, or simply refuse to open them.

    "...many I suspect weren't real police or if so were part of the new breed."

    Let's hope so!

    "I resorted to the dreaded Captcha a few days ago, after six months of unrelenting spam. I only had 30-50 a day, not 200, but it was wearing me down."

    Yep, it's seeing the same stuff time & time again in your 'waiting' pool! :/

  17. "Best o' luck to him, I say and to all policemen and women."


    " I've had up to 600 odd spams in a day."

    Yikes! I'd be tearing my hair out!

    "Well, whatever it was that George Dixon wouldn't have stood for; its gone. Page/post at Gadget's place deleted."

    Oh, that's a shame, to lose all the old posts... :(

  18. Melv - "I was thinking of some other polemic known for her dysfunctional postings.

    Oh dear I deserved that didn't I. Apologies me ole mucker :S

    On a 2nd look way after the event the words run into each other and it wasn't what I meant. More that your...ummm... "reputation" as adversarial with police appears to have been most prolific with Gadget to the best of my knowledge. None of my business and not my fight...just an observation.

    Farkin 'ell. Sorry...

    Polemic ? Really ?? Hmmm...
