Thursday 21 March 2013

Hapless And Hopeless... Just Like Our Justice System.

Michael Tyler had been released early from prison when he went to a Spar store in Weston-super-Mare, took off his shoes and left.
Bristol Crown Court heard he then turned up in a first floor flat, trying to stash jewellery under a quilt, and told the householder: "I'm looking for Christine. She's fat, with short blonde hair and police want her."
 Is she their type, then?
Judge Michael Roach told him: "You have a poor record, with 37 previous court appearances. You were only just released and the householder found you in her home, burgling it."
Nadeem Aullybocus (Ed: Oh, hai!), defending, told the judge: "He's been struggling with drugs since the age of 15."
Sounds like he’s losing.
"He tells me it is a vicious circle in which he tries to get out of it and lapses. He had served nine weeks of an 18-week sentence, he was released, he was given pills by a friend and he mixed them with alcohol. He doesn't really know what he did. People say he was acting quite strange."
I think the people who keep letting him out are acting pretty strange too…


  1. Robert the Biker21 March 2013 at 18:47

    Fire up the Daleks...Exterminate, Ex term in ate....
    I thought drug use was supposed to be an aggravating factor, not mitigation, just terminate the useless waste of space now.

  2. Bunny

    As I am now a veteran Eastern Europe expat, I can suggest Comrade Stalin's methodology. One round back of the head, next chap gets the cartridge case hammered in there. It might sound harsh but the round is two for the price of one and reduces the level of resources used.

  3. A baseball bat is cheaper, if messier.
