Monday 18 March 2013

I, For One, Welcome Our New Aggressive Youth Overlords!

The crew was called to extinguish a rubbish fire in Griffin Close at around 10pm last night.
While they were putting out the flames, a group of teenagers started shouting at them.
Watch manager Dave Robinson from Burnley Fire Station, said that although the fire itself was fairly minor, there had been some trouble with the group.
Well, that’s why you have large high-pressure hoses, right?

He said: “It was just a rubbish fire but we did get a bit of verbal abuse.
“The last thing we want to do is inflame the situation.
“There are some issues but we are going to engage with the local community and spend some time with them to see is there is anything we can help with.
“We are also going to have a presence in the area to see if there are any issues over the next few days and to let people know we are here to help them.”
Christ, could you be more supine and appeasing if you tried?!

*rips up 'Hot Firemen & Their Hoses' calendar*


  1. Fidel Cuntstruck18 March 2013 at 09:54

    I'll bet there isn't a single person on that crew that wouldn't love to turn the hoses on those little shits, but the Fire Service (in my opinion) has always been a very political organisation and if you want to climb the ever greasier pole then you have to spout the same PC bollocks as the policy makers in their ivory towers. He's probably just decided that if he can't beat them, he might as well join them - sad really.

  2. Yes, the Fire & Rescue service across the UK has been infected with the same PC virus that the police are now terminally ill with, management speak the same gobbledegook, the lower ranks are slowly subject to divide and rule with race & equality mercilessly pumped down their throats and various staff associations base on gender, race, religion etc.


  3. The last thing we want to do is inflame the situation.


  4. The use of a couple of helmet cameras showing the faces of the loud mouthed yobs and their taunts with the results sent to the local media or Youtube would be much better than 'engaging with the community'. It was probably the 'community' which started the fire and using reason and logic with people who have the IQ of a rice krispie just doesn't work. It's also not just the PC element which stops them using high pressure hoses. It's the criminal act of assault which could land them in court or jail. Mind you, a good wash and a hose down is no more than the little sh*ts deserve.

  5. Should have let it spread and burn down the whole frickin' estate.

    Y'know there's "cuts" you can blame with no comeback whatsoever, right ?

  6. i friend of mine who was a cop attended a similar incident. He restrained the yobs and slammed one of the little dears against a bus stop in an attempt to get them to stop attacking the firefighters. Did he get an award and the grateful thanks of the public? Did he heck! He got arrested and convicted of assault and sacked. That is why the scummy lowlife underclass will continue to attack the very peoplewho are there to help them and others and save lives. They are laughing at us. In fact they are smirking at us.

  7. I seem to remember that as long ago as the 1981 riots, the same suggestions were made, that the Fire Brigade could assist the Police by providing a water cannon option.
    I think it was their union that refused, but this was the 1980s when even public libraries did not want to display Police crime prevention posters.

  8. "'Hot Firemen & Their Hoses' calendar"

    Fire 'PERSON'!!! - I've reported you to the 'Campaign for Black and Ethnic Minority, Wimmin, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Fire-person Equality' for hate speech in your patently biased view, harassing, sexist, stereotypical attitude and lack of support for fire-persons with 'alternative' lifestyles.

    I'd suggest you get a copy of the campaigns calendar £5.99 from selected outlets). A selection of Fire-persons pictured in make-up, suspenders and helmets with/without assorted fire equipment - March in particular, a 16 st, muscled and unshaven example posing with her burning bra is my favourite).

  9. "He's probably just decided that if he can't beat them, he might as well join them - sad really."

    That IS sad. It just encourages the others!

    "The use of a couple of helmet cameras showing the faces of the loud mouthed yobs and their taunts with the results sent to the local media or Youtube would be much better than 'engaging with the community'."

    Trouble is, I rather think these people enjoy the notoriety.

    "I think it was their union that refused, but this was the 1980s when even public libraries did not want to display Police crime prevention posters."


  10. Well, that’s why you have large high-pressure hoses, right?

    And fire axes too

    Problem is, the fire service is staffed by wimps these days. I'm sorry but they are.
