Wednesday 13 March 2013

I Hope Her Cell Has A Fire Extinguisher...

Ann Julie Nadin, 54, barricaded herself in a utility room and removed the door handles in what police said may have been an attempted suicide.
'May have been'? What else could it have been?
She was sentenced after pleading guilty to arson with intent to endanger life at Bolton Crown Court.
And no. This wasn't a one-off.
Firefighters installed special smoke detectors at Nadin’s home in Cemetery Road, Ramsbottom, after she set fire to a settee on June 1 last year.
That's nice, isn't it? I wonder if they thought to install them for the neighbours, too?
Detective Constable Lindsey Worrall, from Bury CID, said: “This arson may have been an attempt of Nadin’s to take her own life, but her actions were reckless and misguided.
“The neighbour who tried to help put himself in danger and so too did the firefighters who put their lives on the line for people who come to harm.
“Furthermore, there are seven terraced houses on this stretch, meaning that the fire damage endangered other householders.”
So...what do you think is going to happen when she gets out?