Monday 25 March 2013

"Look, You Shouldn't Have Choice If You Are Going To Use It!"

Parents are being blamed for a rise in the number of children missing out on their school choice.
Oh? And why?
In 66 cases pupils missed out on all of their secondary school preferences, up from 58 last year. But Brighton and Hove City Council has blamed parents for not putting down schools in their catchment area. It said out of the 66 applicants who missed out not one had put their catchment area secondary school.

But that's their choice! You can't expect to give people choice and them whine when they take it. Can you?
The council’s cabinet member for children and young people Councillor Sue Shanks said: “Our catchment area system means that our young people are getting the chance to go to a school that’s near to them.
A chance they clearly don't want to take up. Maybe the closest school to them isn't very good?
“I know that all our schools work hard to help every child achieve so I am sure our children will receive a good education wherever they go to school.”
Clearly, that view isn't shared by your voters...


  1. Fidel Cuntstruck25 March 2013 at 09:55

    “I know that all our schools work hard to help every child achieve so I am sure our children will receive a good education wherever they go to school.”

    There are no words .... no words

  2. Good education wherever they go to school???!!

    That's the icing on the cake of bullshitland that is.


  3. "There are no words .... no words"

    None that are printable, anyway...

    "Good education wherever they go to school???!!

    That's the icing on the cake of bullshitland that is. "

    On that, we can agree!
