Saturday 23 March 2013

Signs Of The Times…

This one is particularly irritating:
Guidance on how to deal with bullying on the buses, and what to do when your friends are in danger of distracting the driver, is being issued to every school in Essex.
Naturally, the one that’s really most important (especially for other innocent road users!) comes second behind the one that’s flavour of the month…
Essex County Council has just launched B Safe B Cool The Collection, a DVD of 16 cartoon and real-life short films, plus interactive resources. It has been issued as a way of keeping up with the demand from schools on giving pupils advice on dealing with problems they face on the journey to and from school, of which bullying is top of the list.
So, schools are ‘demanding’ this, are they?
Cllr Kay Twitchen, Chairman of Essex County Council, said at the launch: "I was at the start of the new Young Essex Assembly recently, and yet again tackling bullying is their number one priority.
"Staff do all they can to stop it happening in schools…
Do they? Do they really, Kay? Are you sure about that? And even when they do, the policy is likely to be bonkers...
… but have no control over what occurs on the journey to and from school.
"I hope seeing these films will help pupils realise they are not alone, and that adults do realise it's a problem.
"I want them to feel able to tell their mum, tell a teacher, tell a friend and get some help.
"I feel so strongly about this, and worried about how sad it makes young people feel.
"I hope this goes some way to show them it does not have to happen."
Good grief, woman, get a grip!
Gillian Mills, the county's passenger transport co-ordinator, said: "We have made this film individually over the years but they have never been brought together as a collection.
"The aim of this new resource is for schools to use it in their curriculum, maybe incorporate in their PSHE or transition lessons
In their...?

I had to Google that! 'Transition lessons' are still a mystery though.
"Children when they are in groups without an adult sometimes need guidance and education on how to behave."
Given the number of school trips I've observed on public transport that 'without an adult' was redundant.


  1. Bunny

    Julia, I followed your link to the TES, which cretin came up with the idea of 'compose a class song'? It is like something from the communist era. Saying that many years I worked for Jarvis, and the managing surveyor on the schools projects I was working on suggested an office song to improve moral. To which a colleague and I started singing 'I was looking for a job and then I found a job, heaven knows I'm miserable now...'

    However a song which would be suitable for a school could be 'I don't give a damn, I don't f..... care..'

  2. Twenty_Rothmans23 March 2013 at 10:44

    Essex County Council has just launched B Cool Nigga Please Don't Stab Me, a DVD of 16 cartoon and real-life short films

    Kay Twitchen, Chairman of Essex County Council, said "Staff do all they can … but have no control over what occurs on the journey to and from school.
    "I hope seeing these films will help pupils realise they are not the only ones cowering before being beaten and that adults do realise it's a problem, so here are some pathetic DVDs produced at great expense.
    And don't forget to bring your lunch money, Antwon says you're late again"

    "The aim of this new resource is for schools to make it their curriculum. The study of proper subjects, if desired, can be done while the bullied pupils are recuperating from their injuries and being fed through a tube at home.

    Until Antwon firebombs them, that is. Then we will release some more DVDs"

  3. Fidel Cuntstruck23 March 2013 at 12:25

    What happens on the Bus has got more to do with the Bus company than the school, put someone on the Bus to enforce discipline - like they did when I was a lad. Wouldn't take too many thick ears before behaviour improved. The parents and the progressives would object but surely it's a case of " our bus, our rules and if you don't like it - walk"

  4. This must be the 'austerity' thing I hear so much about.

  5. "It is like something from the communist era."


    "The parents and the progressives would object... "

    And, it seems, they have been allowed to hold sway over the rest of us..
