Monday 4 March 2013

Tell Me Again How 'Squatting Is Because Of High Housing Costs'..?

It's the usual refrain from the people who see nothing wrong with this sort of theft, isn't it?
A group of friends are among the first people to be fined for squatting in Croydon.
Oh..? And do tell us how these poor young people are unable to get on the housing ladder because of 'greedy landlords'.

But you'll have to tell us in Spanish...
Marta Alonzo-Navarro, 32, David Fernandez Plaza, 24, Gonzalo Gomez, 20, Alfredo Guerra-Barrera, 24, Jesus Palomeque, 30, Guillen Samartin, 19, and Marta Torres, 24, initially denied occupying the housing association property in Beulah Hill, Upper Norwood, without permission.
Their trial had been due to start this week, but at Croydon Magistrates' Court on Monday they changed their plea to guilty.
The friends, originally from Spain, are among the first to be prosecuted in Croydon under the Government's recent anti-squatting legislation.
I wonder what the penalties are for squatting in Spain?


  1. Nothing will change until the tide of detritus starts washing up on the manicured lawns of MPs & judges.

  2. I can't imagine that if I went over and squatted a housing association home in Spain that the case would ever get to court...

  3. The state police would show up, tell them they will be back in 5 minutes and they had better be gone - after a smoke break and a little chat by the car, they would go back, and gone they would be.....

  4. "Nothing will change until the tide of detritus starts washing up on the manicured lawns of MPs & judges."

    So true!

    "..that the case would ever get to court..."

    Well, quite!

    "...they would go back, and gone they would be....."

    If they knew what was good for them? ;)
