Friday 8 March 2013

The Deer (Non)Hunters...

The police attened (sic) Grenoble Road at 12.07pm.
Thames Valley Police spokesman Francine Rodrigues said: “Unfortunately we couldn't find the deer. The neighbourhood policing team have been made aware and are keeping their eyes out for a man fitting his description.”
She said because police could not find the deer’s body they have not launched an official investigation.
Isn't it lucky they don't treat murders in this fashion? Though I suspect they would if they could...

Of course, if someone suggests the local hunt turn up to find the animal and put it out of its misery, that'll be different! They'll turn out for that, I'm sure.
She claimed the owner of the dogs – described as two Lurcher-types and a terrier – did not seem bothered about the attack when he arrived at the scene a few minutes later, but ‘ran away’ when Ms Walker called the police.
I can't think why he bothered to exert himself.


  1. Bunny

    What is wrong with these people? Lurchers running down a deer, a good bit of venison hooray! If I had have been her I would have asked for a leg.

  2. "I can't think why he bothered to exert himself."

    Outstanding parking tickets ? Unpaid council tax ? Picturebook late back to the library ? Smoking in a non-designated area ? Possession of a packet of bacon ?

    The list is endless...
