Saturday 23 March 2013

Well, Not Quite, Surely?

David Eager, defending, said Hayter had been left full of remorse.
‘He accepts he was solely responsible for Kayleigh’s death. That will lie heavily on his conscience for the rest of his life.’
There is no doubt that he was the one driving like a maniac after a seven-hour drinking session, and was twice the drink drive limit when he crashed, yes.

But…was he solely responsible? If only the child had had a parent to ...

Kayleigh, who had already posted a message on Facebook saying ‘I think I'm going to die’, was told by her father Scott Lawrie not to be so stupid.
 Mr Scott said ‘While the defendant paid for his petrol the boy and Kayleigh told Scott Lawrie they wanted to get out of the car because they were so frightened. Scott Lawrie told them not to be so stupid.
This was after Hayter had twice almost careered off the road, and forced an oncoming pick-up onto the verge when he took a bend on the wrong side of the road.

I wonder if Scott Lawrie had cause to regret those words when they then called at a filling station, Hayter clipped the central pump island before reversing back and almost hitting another vehicle, and then tried to fill up with diesel instead of petrol before accelerating away with such speed the wheels spun?

It seems to me Scott Lawrie should have a lot on his conscience too, always assuming he has one.


  1. Iain duncan smith is a complete and utter cunt.

  2. Iain Duncan Smith IS a complete and utter cunt.

    Just been dealing with an issue where 2 cops have been very forceful towards me.

    I won.

    For now.

    Fuck you, you nasty greedy bastard. Fuck you for everything you stand for. Fuck you for serving your own ego and being a cunt.

    Iain Duncan Smith and Nick Herbert, FUCK YOU!


  3. Absobloodylutely

  4. Come back Melvin.....all is forgiven! Not that you ever went away but this new troll nakes you apear almost lucid!

  5. Very forceful? Straight-jacket done up a bit tight?

  6. @ Jaded.

    Here's the thing my old fruit, although I may have been on camera, for a couple of cops to be looking round to see if people are watching them and to threaten to stick their foot in my door when they have no legal grounds to be on my property is intimidation enough isn't it? You don't get them on camera, or do you.....?

    Civil matters are sod all to do with cops and that should be made perfectly clear. I know all too well that certain folk are trying to shut me up, but guess what? I will not stand by and leave the next generations in fear and poverty. Just because a person may be born without wealth or status it does not mean they endure a life of slavery and hardship. I spent my childhood in fear. It won't be happening again.

    *Money is a good slave but a bad master.*

  7. I almost miss Melvin as well.His pupil has surpassed him,well done Grasshopper!

  8. "I know all too well that certain folk are trying to shut me up, but guess what? I will not stand by and leave the next generations in fear and poverty. "

    This isn't you, I take it?

  9. Oh no Julia, that isn't me. The cops only spent 4 weeks looking for her. I've had them trying to stitch me up for a few years now.

    Complete waste of money as I am not a criminal, but there you go.

    They are busy going through my finances and trying to declare me mentally ill at the moment.

    But hey ho, I will NEVER stop.


  10. @ plod trolls WC Jaded, shijuro, Frankie, Ranter et al.

    I am persuaded to conclude that an operation to minimise further harm to the reputation of police has already commenced with the identification of those appearing on a list of 'Gadgeteers'. Further indications in News could add considerable weight to that possibility.

    Should it transpire that none of you are or ever were police officers, I will be somewhat relieved. Your conduct has been totally inconsistent with that expected from honest and trustworthy public servants.

    Insofar as it concerns genuine police, the decent fraction will benefit from tougher sanctions brought against the cowardly, lazy and corrupt. When these elements are returned to acceptable proportions, the prospect of restoring police to their once trusted role as self-regulator, will also move a step closer.

    Clouds may be gathering but have a nice day.

  11. XX after a seven-hour drinking session, and was twice the drink drive limit XX

    Seven hours and only TWICE "over the limit"?

    Fucking amateure!

  12. "They are busy going through my finances and trying to declare me mentally ill at the moment."

    Then, might I suggest you stop giving them ammunition?

    "Insofar as it concerns genuine police, the decent fraction will benefit from tougher sanctions brought against the cowardly, lazy and corrupt."

    On that, Melvin, I do agree.

    "Seven hours and only TWICE "over the limit"?

    Fucking amateure!"

