Thursday 11 April 2013

A Master Of Hyperbole!

Rossendale and Darwen MP Jake Berry has been challenged to defend the government’s benefit changes after criticism from prominent churchmen. Labour councillor Peter Hollings has written to the Tory backbencher claiming that only charity is stopping the poor from starving.
If 'the poor' are those seen frequenting pound shops, I don't think he's got a lot to worry about..
Coun Hollings, who represents Sunnyhurst ward in Blackburn with Darwen, tells Mr Berry: “Interfaith groups and keen volunteers can only do so much and it is the generosity of those better off that are keeping the poor and disadvantaged in our society from starving.
“We are fast approaching a society that keeps its citizens alive through charitable donation rather than through a welfare state.”
It's the job of society to keep you alive. Until, of course, it isn't...


  1. Talking of other politicians - or not, Tony Blair dictating to Ed Miliband! Can you believe it? First Tony, I respected you. You were decent here and there. What you now need to do is butt out. From my point of view, Brown and Kinnock are the right people to advise Miliband of mistakes. You and your wife were a little too far over something else other than the people. You've had your time. Let Ed Miliband have his. Sorry mate, but you are aware of what I mean even if you don't admit it to yourself.


  2. Jake Berry is the minimum alcohol price loving MP who I had a long discourse with last year

  3. Just want to drop another O/T line Julia. You are a godsend.

    What is meant to be will happen. Whether one judges it right or wrong is irrelevant. We all have hindsight, but that is just what it is.

    I am not a manipulator, nor very clever for that matter. I plod along hoping to do the best by people and for myself. If you want to listen to others without judging for yourself, then you are not a true individual spirit. Only true individual spirits without greed, selfishness and maliciousness will ever be able to achieve great things.

    I've seen some sad things lately which were needless and did not need to hurt people. I don't like people being hurt. Don't know why even though I am hated everywhere. What I am happy about is the great and the good are starting to recognise the nastiness that has surrounded them. Something they have been blind to for a number of years. I am looking forward to these people changing things because in their hearts they know the truth and know what they have to do.

    When you are born with the ability to change things for the better, do not listen to others. Listen to yourself.

    That is all.


  4. I believe Feral is a North Korean agent using these blogs to send coded messages back to Fatty Kim the Third...

    And I claim my £5.

  5. "... and it is the generosity of those better off that are keeping the poor and disadvantaged in our society from starving."

    Well said. That is precisely the way it used to work in this country (and quite successfully too) before the welfare state came along and buggered it all up. And Peter Hollings is clearly the sort of politician that would like to see all those generous folks taxed to the point where they're unable or unwilling to help others.

    I hope Mr Hollings enjoys reaching the dizzying heights of being a councillor... because he's unlikely to rise further.

  6. "You've had your time. Let Ed Miliband have his."

    Yes, because despite all the evidence before us, that's got to be true. Right?

    "Jake Berry is the minimum alcohol price loving MP who I had a long discourse with last year"

    I thought the name seemed familiar!

    "I believe Feral is a North Korean agent using these blogs to send coded messages back to Fatty Kim the Third..."


    "I hope Mr Hollings enjoys reaching the dizzying heights of being a councillor... because he's unlikely to rise further."

    Oh, I don't know.
