Friday 12 April 2013

And Today’s Darwin Award Contender 2013….

A man is in a specialist burns hospital after police used CS spray to break up a fight. His mother Marie, of Rockbourne Close, Leigh Park, admits her son has been arrested ‘hundreds of times’ but says it was unnecessary to use the spray.
Really? What were they supposed to use then? I mean, I’d be happy for them to use a bullet, frankly…
His mother said it was the third time he has had a reaction after being sprayed by police.
Miss Elston said: ‘He’d gone to Fareham to meet a girl but it didn’t work out.
‘When he missed the last train home he decided to walk back to Leigh Park and on the way he bumped into these blokes.
‘The police came and used CS spray – even though he told them he was allergic to it. ‘He was obviously doing something wrong or the police wouldn't have been there but they didn't have to spray him. They could have handcuffed him. He didn't deserve that.’
In order to handcuff him they have to get him under control. Clearly, he did ‘deserve that’ because he didn't learn the last two times.

What he 'doesn't deserve' is the morphine he’s getting…
She said her son has battled with drink all his life and she hoped this would be the turning point for him. He is on the waiting list for a place in a controlled house where drink and drugs are banned, to try and help him beat his alcoholism.
Newsflash: It's only a ‘battle with drink’ if you don't keep surrendering


  1. I ploughed through the comments in the local paper and they were very interesting.Obviously a well known idiot.
    Instead of running to the newspaper perhaps the mother and the rest of the family should crawl back under their rock in shame?

  2. Leigh Park.

    You wouldn't go there for a holiday.


  3. I put CS in my curries to give them a bit of extra kick. I didn't even know it was possible to get burned by it.

  4. I blame society....I'm sure SOMEONE will pop up to blame the police other than this DNA waster and the moron that gave birth to it.

  5. "I mean, I’d be happy for them to use a bullet, frankly… "

    Hopefully this was just a figure of speech to attract supportive comments from the worst type of radiator-bound plod. You more than most Julia, know the risks involved when the wrong type are given firearms and Quality Street ammunition tins, in capers of the mad plod variety.

    I do not envy those whose job it is to arrest 'drunks and druggies' but if the youth truly did inform police of his allergy, this was another disappointing result to add to Volume 25 of UK Police failures.

    @ Ranter - give everyone a break and say goodbye to those rotten feet. Just give modern prosthetics a chance because they can put a real spring back into your step.

  6. Um, in what way is it possible not to be allergic to CS Gas ?

    Are there really hard blokes who snort it for a bet or something ?

  7. Anon at 18:58

    "Um, in what way is it possible not to be allergic to CS Gas ?"

    A proportion of any population will develop abnormal, hypersensitive reactions to substances. This is especially pronounced for 'toxic' substances.

    One feature of the allergic response is that less of the substance is required to trigger the effects on subsequent exposures. A progressive allergy may lead to such intolerance that a trace of the sensitiser can produce disastrous reactions, sometimes with fatal consequences.

  8. Melvin you are great.Next time i'm wrestling a violent drunken youth (aged 24!) I hope he isn't allergic to anything.Nice use of the word radiator again.
    As for the CS gas question-it doesn't work on about 10% of people,usually but not always, the ones off their faces on drink and drugs.

  9. Nighty night Melv, sleep tight, if you do wake up in the morning that nice Nigerian lady will be in to change your pads and clean you up, you like that don't you Melvy? Hope you didn't forget the extra large roll of tin foil when you went shopping for a weeks worth of frozen halal based meals for one at that nice Mr Husseins corner shop too ?

  10. Twenty_Rothmans12 April 2013 at 23:32

    Was that a before or after photo?

    What did his father have to say?

    I imagine: "Ah, yer me best mate pal y'na I got a son apple of my fuckin eye e is aint seen im forra awhile he must be thirty now right proud I am of im your round mate right?"

    I know, I know. I'm a snob, I was conceived after a fancy meal and not a kebab. But even if I had been, I could still ask my father where he bought the kebab. And if he'd asked for extra onions.

    "She said her son has battled with drink all his life"
    Huh? He's 24.

    Another worthless meat unit. And her son.

  11. "Instead of running to the newspaper perhaps the mother and the rest of the family should crawl back under their rock in shame?"

    We don;t DO shame any more. The progressives think it makes us a better society.

    *looks round*

    Works as well as all their other bright ideas...

    "I put CS in my curries to give them a bit of extra kick."


    "Hopefully this was just a figure of speech..."

    You might think that.

    "A progressive allergy may lead to such intolerance that a trace of the sensitiser can produce disastrous reactions, sometimes with fatal consequences."

    Given he seems incapable of learning, we can but hope.

  12. "As for the CS gas question-it doesn't work on about 10% of people..."

    Or on dogs at all, I hear?

    "Another worthless meat unit. And her son."

