Thursday 4 April 2013

Here's Another One For You, Hollee: #FirstWorldProblems...

Hollee Chanel (Ed: Yes, I can see you’re wondering. A ‘performance artist in dance, TV, radio and voice overs’, apparently…) on 'disturbing trending topics on Twitter':
After updating my Twitter feed for the umpteenth time on Wednesday, I came across two trending topics #whitepeopleactivities and #blackpeopleactivities. It appears this topic began as a comedic way to express noted and age-old differences between the two races. A great idea in theory, but in execution the majority of those tweets lacked comedy and overflowed with offensive assumptions and stereotypes about both races.
We’ll overlook that comedy is in the eye of the beholder, shall we?
I have yet to see or hear of a stereotype that fully applies to every member of the group addressed in the assumption.
I guess one of those #blackpeopleactivities isn't cracking open a dictionary, then, Hollee?

Despite her clear lack of skills in….well, anything, frankly, she then goes on to try to ‘debunk’ these. Hilarity ensues.

This is my personal favourite:
#WhitePeopleActivities eating chicken salad. #BlackPeopleActivities eating fried chicken. 4. False: The founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken is a white man, Harland David Sanders, who is more affectionately known as, "The Colonel".
Yes. Ignore the fact that the myth's about who eats fried chicken, and concentrate instead on the figurehead of the company. That's some great debunking there!


  1. But surely the nasty white man started making fried chicken deliberately to entice the black men and take their money to keep them enslaved to the white culture - oops, maybe that thought is a bit stereotypical.

  2. Harland David Sanders, who is more affectionately known as, "The Colonel".

    who was Hollee, who was more affectionately known as, "The Colonel"

    Being as in the vernacular he has been 'brown bread' since 1980

  3. #BlackPeopleActivities Stabbing each other with knives. False. Knives are made from stainless steel. Harry Brearley is usually credited with the invention of "rustless steel" in the anglophone world, a white man.

    Yeah, I see how that works.

  4. Hollee should just give it up,we White folk know all we need to about blacks.

  5. BMWs.

    Except a white accountant bought it new in 1997.

    KFC: Place with quite a few old BMWs parked outside.

    Were I black, I don't think I'd be that much different. For example, when I stuff up, I blame myself. If I were black, I'd blame that white guy.

    As someone elsewhere so eloquently put it, it's the 99% giving the other 1% a bad name.

  6. "Being as in the vernacular he has been 'brown bread' since 1980"

    Hollee is a little dim, I think...

    "As someone elsewhere so eloquently put it, it's the 99% giving the other 1% a bad name."

