Sunday 14 April 2013

"Hey, Sarge! Did We Ever Try This With Rabbits?"

"Errrr, no. Why?" "Oh, fuuuuuuu..."
North Yorkshire Police said officers apologised and consoled Melissa and her family immediately after the incident.
The head of the force’s dog section, Sergeant Simon Whitby, telephoned the family yesterday to apologise on behalf of the police.
That must be quite a regular task for these chaps...

H/T: Anna Raccoon via email


  1. Just what exactly are you trying to say?


  2. "Grrrrr! Woof, Woof! Whine.."

    The translation and image are beyond suspicion but definitely a case where the biscuit should take the dog.

    Applause for those effects, Killa Wabbit. Any graphic marks to denote 'ello, 'ello, 'ello?

  3. "Just what exactly are you trying to say?"


  4. Dog acts according to natural instinct.

    WHAT a fucking surprise!

  5. "Dog acts according to natural instincet!"

    WHAT a fucking surprise!

    Rabbits are FOOD and NOT friends!
