Monday 22 April 2013

I Bet I Know What Films Interested Him Most...

In October, he followed his victim to the Duke of York pub in St Werburgh's. She was drinking with a friend when he approached and asked for a cigarette. Her friend gave him one, but he did not leave. He said to his victim: "I want to draw naked pictures of you. I want to make naked muppets of you so I can make them dance." 
Oh oh!
The court heard by this point she had become scared of Myers. 
Well, yes. Who wouldn't be?
On one occasion, as he walked past her stall he said: "You should get over yourself. Stop flattering yourself. Learn some social manners."
On February 16, he approached her stall with his fists raised, gesturing towards her. 
All the red lights flashing, she did what anyone would do - she called the police.
Upset and in tears, she called the police, who spoke to Myers the next day and warned him to leave her alone. But on March 1, he went to Corn Street again and said to her three times: "Oi, why are you doing this to me?" 
And then the State swung into action:
Myers, of previous good character, admitted stalking and harassment without violence at an earlier hearing
Should be an open and shut case, then?
Yesterday District Judge Simon Cooper imposed a restraining order banning him from contacting the victim in any way, or following her, as well as banning him from Corn Street and St Nicholas market.
He also imposed a two-year conditional discharge, meaning if Myers commits another offence during that period he could be punished again for this one. 
He hasn't been punished once yet! And he's clearly not learned his lesson, either:
Despite having previously admitted the charge, Myers stood up in court and told the judge: "I'm not stalking this girl and harassing this girl." 
Myers' solicitor Selina Dines said as well as being an artist, Myers was an avid fan of the theatre and film.
Yes. I'll just bet...

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