Tuesday 23 April 2013

"I Say, I Say, Our Audience Member Has No Nose!"

"How does she smell?"

Ahhh, the old ones are the best...
A woman had her nose bitten off during a performance of Jack and the Beanstalk at a Butlins holiday resort.
Blimey! Was it one of the giants?
“A 27-year old woman from Dartford, Kent, was arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm and has now been released on police bail until June 16 while enquiries continue.”

*crosses Bognor off the list of holiday destinations*

H/T: Macheath via email


  1. What exactly was it that King George V said about Bognor Regis when he was soon to expire?

  2. Fidel Cuntstruck23 April 2013 at 20:46

    I watched a police show on the idiot lantern recently, one of the calls was to a proles holiday resort - to attend a domestic. It seems that it's quite a common occurrence - proles go on holiday to Butlins or wherever, proles get pissed .. he Prole wants a jump, she Prole hasn't got the energy (roles can be reversed) and violence ensues

  3. King George was indeed right!
