Thursday 18 April 2013

”Kaii knows when Derek hisses he is to attack.”

Duncan, 24, denies assaulting her at a flat in Mains Loan, Dundee, on August 7 last year after she threw a two-day-old takeaway meal in the bin.
According to Miss Crowe, Duncan told her: "I don't want a new meal - I wanted that one," before starting to slap her, pin her down with his knees and repeatedly punch her in the face.
"While he was punching my face his dog bit my left ear," she told the jury.
Miss Crowe said she and Duncan had enjoyed a "brother-sister relationship" before the alleged attack on August 7.
Eeeeewwww! Even lovelier!


  1. She should have fished the chinese out of the bin, cooked up his dog and fed him the lot.

    Hopefully he then would have choked on it.


  2. Why cook the dig when you ALREADY have a Chinese meal?

  3. I assume you meant dog?

    So that he could fill his gut so much that he could choke double.

    Also, Osborne's crocodile tears. Satan is a shift shaper that can operate how he wants. He knows deep down where he is going for doing this to people. He damn well bloody knows.



  4. "She should have fished the chinese out of the bin, cooked up his dog and fed him the lot."

    I think Furor raise a good point re: the Chinese... ;)
