Wednesday 17 April 2013

Requiescat in pace, Margaret...

 Well done, thou good and faithful servant...


  1. At the risk of sounding like an I.G Blogg; THIRDED. :-)

  2. Bloody hell, look at the size of that handbag!

  3. Rust in peace Iron Lady your legacy is Orgreave, Long Kesh and the Malvinas. Oh nearly forgot Brixton Toxteth Moss Side.

  4. Colonel Rehill,
    Long Kesh? IRA scum getting their just desserts, who gives a shit? if it had been down to me I would have just killed them all.

    Malvinas? fuck you asshole,
    Argentina didnt even exist as a nation when we took control of the FALKLAND ISLANDS.
    just another lefty asshole who would happily see this land as another miserable failed socialist hellhole.
    Get to fuck you marxist cunt,if you love socialism so much why dont you apply for asylum in North Korea?

    And as for the miners,the coal industry in this country was on its last legs in the 1960s and still they were demanding 40% pay rises and lower working hours,get real,there was no way any country on Earth could have swallowed that and survived.

  5. XX Colonel Rehill said...
    Oh nearly forgot Brixton Toxteth Moss Side.....XX

    Moss side? As far as I recall was AFTER Thatcher.


    I was THERE.

    Do not remember MT leading the rioters.

    Proof? A Photo may-be?

  6. Colonel

    - the first two are the responsibility of Scargill + Adams.

    - there really is no such place as the Malvinas

    - the last three were left wing hellholes before her light shone upon us, and are left wing hellholes to this day because the left needs a client state.

    God bless MT, if only there were another politician of her conviction + quality available to vote for today.

  7. Bloody hell, look at the size of that handbag!

    Well what did you expect? Maggie's weapons grade handbag the only language those soaking wet backstabbers ever understood understood. Maybe she should have had the word "clue" etched into the leather.


  8. @ Colonel R

    If we're counting political coup I'd say that Bliar's legacy deserves mention too. Let's begin with the invasion of Iraq on a false prospectus, shall we?

  9. "...your legacy is Orgreave, Long Kesh and the Malvinas."

    So, bringing to heel intransigent dinosaur unions, terrorists, and aggressive foreign powers?

    I second your approval of her legacy wholeheartedly... :)

    " Maggie's weapons grade handbag the only language those soaking wet backstabbers ever understood understood."

    Indeed! :)

  10. Be gentle with her detractors. They could not even compete with her during her life, so do allow them to have their wimpish say now!
