Monday 15 April 2013

The Return Of ‘Men Of No Appearance’!

The men told him how they had walked into the towerblock at about 11.15pm on Thursday and were approached by two robbers in the lobby.
The men demanded money - but when their victims refused they pulled out a carving knife and a smaller knife and began slashing.
Luckily, they managed to flee their attackers before they got help in North Road.
In the comments - should they still be up - there's some speculation about the identity of these mysterious men of no appearance.


  1. One commenter makes the perceptive point that the Echo leaves out a certain information which you'd expect to be in the story such as 'the two men were returning home' or 'the two men were visiting friends'. They ran out of the lobby to flag down strangers, suggesting they didn't know anyone in the flats - otherwise you'd contact your friends/family, surely?

    All we are told is 'they walked in to the lobby'. This opens a possibility that they had their own reasons for visiting a block of flats which might mean they have some other connection with their attackers; drugs? Payment for prostitution? Some other deal gone bad?

    More holes than a doily, that story.

  2. The comments at the Echo also contain a lively discussion as to the relative merits of Basildon, Southend and Rayleigh. People are passionate!

  3. "Blackdown flats"


  4. The house is falling around their ears, and all they can do is moan about the stain on the carpet.

    Talk about in denial.

  5. "This opens a possibility that they had their own reasons for visiting a block of flats which might mean they have some other connection with their attackers..."

    Very possibly. That part of Westcliff is rather like Mos Eisley Spaceport, minus the feeling of goodwill..

    "People are passionate!"

    Oh, indeed! That's a perennial topic in the 'Echo'!


