Tuesday 9 April 2013

There Were Giants On The Earth In Those Days...

Oh, so very different from the political pygmies we see before us now...

Some aspects of the Left were - predictably - vile, as if anyone cared what they thought. Yesterday was a time for reflection on the differences she made to all our lives. It can't be understated that she really changed the face of politics for the better.

Everyone has a favourite quote. This is mine:
"One great problem of our age is that we're governed by people who care more about feelings than thoughts and ideas."
A quote that reminded me about Anna Raccoon's post, which I'd been reading just hours before the news..


  1. Thanks for the link and the quote. I also thought Anna's post was spookily well-timed!

    I hope that this remembrance will remind us that there is hope and that we should be confident in our own ideas.

    Too much of politics (in general, not just national party politics) is toeing the consensus line. Thatch smashed the consensus and was mostly absolutely right to do so.

  2. Great post. The vileness of 'the left' has managed to shock me - immature and pathetic tossers.

    But can I ask you to check dis out. OMG! OMG! OMG!

    What a world we live in.

  3. Chris at the Raccoon Arms has posted this:

  4. Fidel Cuntstruck9 April 2013 at 10:35

    I'm the only Tory in my family. My parents were Liberal (if anything) and my paternal Grandparents were Labour through and through. My Dad always joked that my Grandfather would turn in his grave if he could see the way I vote. My Grandfather was a toolmaker, a skilled craftsman who without the Labour Party and the Union he was a shop steward for, would never have made a half decent wage. I always acknowledge that.

    For me, the two things that the old (true?) Labour Party mishandled were the strengthening of the Unions, and the population's belief in their own individuality.

    Maggie Thatcher changed both of those - she saw how the Unions were stifling growth through demands for the best pay for any sort of a days work and she set about kneecapping them. Every Miner in the land will tell you that she destroyed the Coal Industry - she didn't .. she destroyed the power of the Union controlling it and Scargill was as much to blame for the demise of the Industry as anyone else.

    By far the most important thing she taught me was that you can be anything you want to be - just don't expect someone else to do all the work in getting you there. I was still at school when she came to power and the message really stuck with me.

    I don't mourn her passing, she was 87 and unwell - and we're all going the same way someday - but I will always appreciate and remember the impact she had on a Country that was declining rapidly under a left wing mentality. The children demonstrating yesterday, no celebrating is a better description, have little understanding of what really went on and are to be pitied.

  5. George Galloway's attacks on her included retweeting someone who attacked her for "befriending murderous dictators".

  6. From Ed West in today's Telegraph: " the best line about Thatcher is that she wanted a country with her father’s morals but got one with her son’s (I can’t recall who said it)".

  7. I'm with Blue Eyes and Ranter.

    I am literally fuming at the scenes of cheering champagne quaffing socialists celebrating the death of one of this countries greatest leaders. They disgrace us all but mostly themselves. The fact that they can so readily do this demonstrates they have no love of this country or of others. Go look at those photos again... there, for all to see are the faces of spite!

    For those too young to know or ignorantly socialist to care... Throughout her Premiership, Thatcher was actually quite timid and cautious. The one big thing she did was force us all to confront reality, to see that we were all going down with the ship. Blue Eyes is correct about the consensus. Both Tory and Labour Governments of the seventies found themselves unable to do what was needed, to reach agreement on the best ways forward. Thatcher didn't wait, she acted. She took a dying colonial country that had progressed little since the second world war and turned us into a dynamic modern European power the equal of the then USA, Japan and West Germany.

    Like her or loath her. We ALL owe her.

  8. " I also thought Anna's post was spookily well-timed!"

    Wasn't it! ;)

    "The vileness of 'the left' has managed to shock me..."

    Sadly, I wish I could say I hadn't expected it.

    The 'Cher has died!' hashtag debacle at least gave everyone a giggle :)

    "Chris at the Raccoon Arms has posted this"

    An excellent post - I'd have linked to it if it had been up when I wrote this.

    "For me, the two things that the old (true?) Labour Party mishandled were the strengthening of the Unions, and the population's belief in their own individuality."

    Spot on!

  9. "George Galloway's attacks on her included retweeting someone who attacked her for "befriending murderous dictators"."

    The man has no shame - and evidently no self-awareness!

    "Go look at those photos again... there, for all to see are the faces of spite! "

    Also of self-indulgence and irresponsibility.
