Saturday 13 April 2013

Well, If You Will House Rubbish, Why Shouldn’t You Expect More Rubbish?

Pity the HSBC roof cleaner
Soiled nappies, sanitary waste, mouldy food and general rubbish are just some of the items being dumped out of the windows of what has become the towerblock tip.
Now one private landlord and a councillor are demanding action to clean up the “eyesore”

I mean, without some preventive action (like eviction), won’t it just recur?
Joanne Douglas, 37, from Lee Chapel South, who has owned and rented a flat in the listed building for around 15 years, said: “It’s an absolute disgrace.
“The flat that I rent out is on the other side of Brooke House but for those people who have to look at that every days it’s awful.
We pay the council a service charge, which is supposed to cover cleaning costs for the building and surrounding area, but yet this mess is still there.
“The council has also done nothing to investigate who is responsible despite the fact that it is obvious one of those involved has a baby and they clearly live on the side of the tower block which looks out on to the building next door.”
Maybe there’s just too many suspects? And of course, in the comments, the usual political claptrap about 'the government' and 'poverty'.

Time once again to recall Peter Risdon's observation:
"Not just Toynbee, of course, but she has made a particular fetish of “social exclusion”. And she claims that
…growing inequality multiplies all these problems
No, it doesn’t. What multiplies them is continued state intervention in and control over these people’s lives. They shit in stairwells because they don’t own the stairwells and they don’t feel responsible for keeping them clean. The same people will complain that the council are slow to disinfect them, before they shit in them again."


  1. Bunny,

    There is a thriving industry surrounding the under-class it keeps the support 'workers' in a salary, if the under class actually supported themselves these bastards would be screwed.

  2. I was walking along the Regent's Canal at Ladbroke Grove and found a young man cleaning up many bags of domestic rubbish from the towpath. He told me that all the rubbish came from the small block of flats alongside the path. Apparently, the inhabitants could not be bothered to walk across the width of the flats to put the rubbish in the chute, so just opened the kitchen window and threw it out.

  3. I currently work in the social housing sector. I thought I'd be unshockable after my police service but day in, day out some people continue to shock, amaze and disgust in equal measure. They live alongside people who keep their homes and the exterior clean and despair at these scumbags. The process for removing them is slow and over-bureaucratic. There should be compounds built where the scum can go after being evicted and any recoverable assets seized - they've all got 52" plasmas and the latest cinema sound surround systems at the very least. Soiled nappies flung from upper story windows are sadly very common.

  4. Julia. O/T but I need your help.

    Single mum Kayleigh Duff (23) has a rare cancer in her liver which has spread to her colon and blood stream.

    She has a 2 year old son she wants to take to Disneyland.

    What shall we do people?


  5. Even ordinary members of the public can do something about this. A lady who lives opposite a block of flats where this sort of thing happens, has taken to videoing which windows the rubbish is thrown out of. Copies of this have been sent to the local authority with a note that the next video will be downloaded to Youtube, following footage identifying the block of flats and an addition that the council are not doing anything about it. So far, two tenants have been evicted and 3 more been put on notice. Fortunately, the location the video was taken from does not identify the source. Another local resident spent a day clearing up all the rubbish and delivering it to the Council offices, emptying the bin bag on the reception desk - it's unfortunate that the receptionist was on the receiving end, but she refused to call down anyone from the envuronmental health department. I bet she did just that immediately afterwards!

  6. In the welfare state we are in James Barthlomew talks about a study in the 1980s on how to improve tower blocks
    The conclusions were ignored even though they would have been very cheap for new housing.

  7. The designers of those tower blocks (Le Corbusier and the rest) need to be hauled up to that roof and rolled around in the filth.

    As a short term measure give it over to the Guinness Trust, they have no qualms about evicting sh*tty tenants.

  8. I know we often take the piss out of commentards on local news stories but the Echo thread is a tour de force of reflective depression on the state of the nation. Good grief, I think I need a lie down.

  9. "...if the under class actually supported themselves these bastards would be screwed."

    True enough!

    "Apparently, the inhabitants could not be bothered to walk across the width of the flats to put the rubbish in the chute..."

    I think the same system exists in this block, according to comments! Unbelievable slovenliness!

    " I thought I'd be unshockable after my police service but day in, day out some people continue to shock, amaze and disgust in equal measure."

    I can imagine...

    "What shall we do people?"

    Best thing to do would be get it in the local paper - if the MSM picks it up, you're home free.

  10. "Copies of this have been sent to the local authority with a note that the next video will be downloaded to Youtube, following footage identifying the block of flats and an addition that the council are not doing anything about it."

    What a brilliant idea!

    "The designers of those tower blocks (Le Corbusier and the rest) need to be hauled up to that roof and rolled around in the filth."

    You won't catch anyone who designed these places living in one, will you?

    "...but the Echo thread is a tour de force of reflective depression on the state of the nation."

    I'm surprised it's still up! The mods there are usually quick off the mark!

  11. Robert the Biker15 April 2013 at 19:08

    Feral: If there is a tip jar or somewhere to donate, I'll gladly bung in a few quid.
