Thursday 16 May 2013

No, The Road’s Not Dangerous…

...the actions of the pedestrians are, however.
Diana James, 47, said: “After getting off the bus I heard the girl crossed the road between two buses and was hit.
“I think it had been parked behind the bus when it stopped, went round it and sped out without seeing her.
“This road is so dangerous - there have been a few accidents here in the past few years, including two young children who have died.”
 While I'm sure this is a tragedy for the family, it's a little hard to blame the road here. Or the driver:
The driver of the lorry stopped at the scene, on the South Circular road, but has not been arrested.
As we know, that tells you a lot...


  1. We have one today as well

    Cut the speed. It was only cut from 40 to 30 a couple of years ago. I can't remember any accidents before that


    (He's not been nicked for anything has he?)

  3. Ban rail tracks and trains

    Schoolgirl, 15, killed by train at level crossing 'didn't hear it coming because she was wearing headphones'

    Read more:
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  4. >While I'm sure this is a tragedy for the family, it's a little hard to blame the road here.

    They've got five spares.

  5. Can't have been as smart as they thought she was if she couldn't cross the road in a safe manner. Basic Green Cross Code - avoid crossing between parked vehicles so the traffic can see you.

    That road is no more dangerous than any other road. It's just that the locals are too lazy/stupid to use one of the many crossings that may involve a 15 yard walk.

  6. " It was only cut from 40 to 30 a couple of years ago."

    Pretty soon, we'll have to bring back the man with the red flag.

    "(He's not been nicked for anything has he?)"

    Heh! He's probably the only 70s tv character who hasn't!

    "Schoolgirl, 15, killed by train at level crossing 'didn't hear it coming because she was wearing headphones'"

    Darwin Award Winner!

    "Can't have been as smart as they thought she was if she couldn't cross the road in a safe manner."

    Well, indeed.

    The standard of road safety has, regrettably, gone downhill even faster than the standard of driving. It's the perfect storm.
