Sunday 26 May 2013

"Taxonomy Team, To The 'Daily Telegraph' Office.."


I just...


And you know the best bit? This was sent to me on 13th May. And the error's still not corrected!

H/T: Stephen Brown via email


  1. They seem to be desperately trying not to notice the elephant seal in the cage...


  2. I suppose this was a case of jumping by the shark...

  3. DavefromTacoma26 May 2013 at 19:02

    I'll match that with this from Sports Illustrated, America's biggest sports magazine:

  4. Hmm. Obvious when you blow the picture up a bit.

    Same kind of people that think Orcas are fish. Blow THEM up, as well.

    Julia, did you spot the "Grizzly bear error" in todays Mail?

    "Boy in bear suit meets grizzly" or something.

    Main article is corrected, but on the home page, it is still there.

    See if you can find it/spot it.

  5. What annoys me more than their inherent stupidity, is that they do not CRE.

    This is shown by the fact that these mistakes are never corrected.

    What does THAT say about what they think of their readers?

  6. "They seem to be desperately trying not to notice the elephant seal in the cage..."


    "I'll match that with this from Sports Illustrated, America's biggest sports magazine"


    "Julia, did you spot the "Grizzly bear error" in todays Mail?"

    I found this one. Apart from a reference to it's 'aquatic habitat' (grizzlies do - obviously! - swim, but I wouldn't say that made them aquatic) I can't see any errors.

    Maybe they've corrected them? Clearly, if so, they think better of their readers! :)

  7. It was the "headline" on their homepage. "Grizzly bear" in the first instance, and went on to tell every one all about polar bears.

    They have either taken it down, which 24 hours later is not unusual, or a retired EDITOR has come in to see the newbies and spotted it.

    They would not correct it without.... "enforcement", they are WAY beyond being embaressed at their idiocy.

  8. Oh, wait! I see it now - it's in the HTML - they've not corrected the assumption it was a polar bear, due to the habitat.

    Whew! That would have bugged me ALL DAY! ;)
