Friday 7 June 2013

A Totally Unexpected Development..

An adult television model let off wearing an electronic tag because it would ruin her on-screen work has been...
Doing good works at her local orphanage?
...hauled before a court again for attacking two police officers while drunk.
Shocker, I'm sure you'll agree.
She was ordered to attend a Thinking Skills course and given a community order. She was also told to pay more than £1,000 costs and compensation to the officers.
In her chosen career, she's not going to need those, is she?


  1. Surely there's a niche for "tarts with tags" in the world of adult entertainment? In fact I'd be amazed if there wasn't already......

  2. Fidel Cuntstruck7 June 2013 at 13:01

    In her chosen career, she's not going to need those, is she?

    Snork :0)

    In her "chosen career" I doubt anyone is even looking at her ankles

  3. Stabryte;

    Niche? There is a name;


  4. I can see a business opportunity - tags concealed in breast implants...

  5. Basically, they’re jealous that I’ve got out of Cumbria

    OK, but what was she doing getting arrested in Workington, Cumbria if she's supposed to be somewhere else?

  6. Well, If you paid me enough I would pay someone else to ogle her......

  7. "Surely there's a niche for "tarts with tags" in the world of adult entertainment?"

    Well, quite! Every other little desite is catered for, after all...

    "In her "chosen career" I doubt anyone is even looking at her ankles"

    Unless they are behind her head.. ;)

    "OK, but what was she doing getting arrested in Workington, Cumbria if she's supposed to be somewhere else?"

    Details, details... ;)
