Saturday 15 June 2013

Another Triumph For The CPS?

Christopher Nathaniel, 40, who told the court he once helped former prime minister Tony Blair launch an anti-knife crime campaign, was found not guilty along with seven other men of the fatal stabbing of Danny O’Shea,18.
Remember this one? I wonder what the family think now?

There is some small scrap of comfort:
Nugent Rowe, 29, from Pinner, Middlesex, was convicted of the murder.
Great! Now give him the sentence all the others who took part in the attack would have got on top of his own.

Unless he names – and gives evidence against – them…
Jurors were told the attack took place a week after Nathaniel’s business partner Paul Boadi, 34, had been attacked by as many as seven men when his phone was stolen.
It was alleged that he spoke to Nathaniel and arranged to return to the area with another eight men to hunt for those responsible when Mr O’Shea was killed.
Have the police closed their case? Are they still looking for the rest?


  1. Have the police closed their case? Are they still looking for the rest?

    If there's just the smallest hint that any of these 8 men once worked for the BBC in the 1960's you can be sure the police will pursue them round the Moons of Nibia, and round the Antares Maelstrom, and round Perdition's flames before they give them up!

    Otherwise, as it's only a murder case maybe they'll become distracted by a ball of wool or toy mouse instead.

  2. As John says there isn't enough publicity in what is left so it will be dropped like a hot potato.

  3. "If there's just the smallest hint that any of these 8 men once worked for the BBC in the 1960's..."

    Hah! Indeed...
