Wednesday 12 June 2013

Collective Punishment – Always First In The List Of ‘Solutions’

Neighbourhood Sergeant Mick Burnett has asked the Padiham Town Council for its backing in shutting the toilets outside Padiham Town Hall, in Burnley Road.
What!? Why?

Oh, the usual. Men meeting other men for sex in them, which they have to do because homosexuality is frowned on and people will be persecuted in the streets for a simple show of affection.

Why, we're almost as bad as Iran. Or Tower Hamlets...

But I digress. This cretin's answer to such a problem is not to arrest the criminals indulging in public lewd behaviour, but to remove the opportunity to do so, no matter the inconvenience to everyone else:.
Sgt Burnett told town councillors at a meeting on Monday evening that the situation was ‘impossible to police’.
Speaking afterwards he said: “This is a problem that has been going on for quite some time. We are still getting complaints from the public and reports from neighbourhood officers.
“The activity is of a sexual nature and involves a number of males. Some have scratched telephone numbers and lewd comments into the anti-vandal paint.
We can’t have the public feeling intimidated and embarrassed to go in. We are working with Burnley Council with a view to getting the toilets closed.”
 Because that's the only answer. If something's 'impossible to police', just give up! Admit defeat.
Bob Clark, whose Padiham Archive Group uses the town hall, said: “As much as I respect Sgt Burnett, these toilets are central to the town and I am determined to see this building used to the best of its ability.
“I think we should keep the toilets open but supervise it in a proper manner, put up proper signage and allow proper people to continue to use them and not be penalised for the behaviour of others.”
 How strange a concept that must be to the likes of Sgt Burnett...
John Kenyon, of Windermere Road, said: “If they close the town hall toilets then these people will just move to the ones on Church Street or Padiham Memorial Park instead.”
Sgt Burnett said: “I would say that the toilets in Church Street would be more difficult for these people to use as there is no free parking and they are more visible to CCTV.”
Well, there's your answer then! Stick up some CCTV!


  1. Could the police phone a few of the numbers scratched in to the 'anti-vandal' paint with a view to determining if the people mentioned have either been harassed by having their numbers published, or if they are in fact the scratchers.

    Think of it as twitter.0, which they happily monitor.

  2. Our local council puts up mobile bogs in the town centre on boozing nights. Residents on upper floors have a grandstand view of the proceedings as well as the traffic control CCTV cameras. Movers and shakers as it were.

  3. Why not arrest the toilet homosexuals for committing an offence? If it isn't illegal where is the problem, if it is illegal, why not do some actual policing?

  4. All journeys begin with the first positive steps and I am truly shocked by an apparent lack of support for the plod proposal.

    Please take a wild stab at whichever useless public service you consider ought to be next in line for closure, Sgt Burnett.

  5. Neighbourhood Sergeant - aren't they the ones who come around to your house and warn you that by leaving all your belongings like say a Television in plain sight in your house you invite in burglars and other ne'er do wells, and that the answer, as they see it, is to always have your house completely empty and all your worldly goods kept in some secure storage facility?

  6. Don't you all realise that homosexual men are a "persecuted" minority and arresting them would be career suicide? You emasculated the police with your constant bleating and this is the result.

  7. There's something of a small town mentality with this copper... and possibly a dash of a phobia.

    I'm not condoning the activities at these toilets but whatever is happening there is likely to be discrete and hidden - hence the difficulty in catching anyone red handed (or is that cock handed?)*

    But what does make me laugh is the location: Google Street View

    The sub-basement toilets are secreted down a service road, between the Town Hall and Library, and neighbouring the Fire Station at the rear. Residents? Well I'm guessing the folk of Padiham have some pretty impressive binoculars or the cop has been on the Lancashire Police Evidence Inflation course. And thanks to him and the publicity, the place is likely attract greater custom.

    * For the record. I've have never engaged in these activities - more in fear of meeting a judge, bishop or George Michael than a cop on duty.

  8. I'm only surprised that the complainants haven't been arrested for fouling a 'public sex environment'.

  9. XX put up proper signage XX

    What, like, "NO DOGGING", or something?

    Aye. THAT will work.

  10. You emasculated the police with your constant bleating and this is the result.

    Seriously? Is this your excuse now for an increased intake of doughnuts?

    The Sexual Offences Act 2003 (Section 71) specifically deals with sexual activity in public toilets. The police no longer need to go through legal contortions to prove obscenity or secrete Officer Pretty-boy in a cubicle for hours on end to catch the wayward.

    As suggested above, if there is a problem here (and I doubt its as great a problem as is being made out), deal with it.

  11. You are generous to credit WC Jaded with the faculty to discern reason from excuse, JP.

  12. If you need 'to go', why not pop into the local Police station (if you can find one) or Council offices and tell them as they closed the public conveniences, they have a duty of care to provide an alternative, and ask for the key to the Superintendant's or Council Chief's executive khazi. Out of hours, there's always the Council duty, or on call, officer. They won't mind. Honest!

  13. You are generous to credit WC Jaded with the faculty to discern reason from excuse, JP

    I'm just being nice because I've heard she's applying to be on Big Brother next year... ermmm the show, not her sibling.

  14. "Could the police phone a few of the numbers scratched in to the 'anti-vandal' paint..."

    Well, that's rather like hard work, isn't it?

    " always have your house completely empty and all your worldly goods kept in some secure storage facility?"

    Yet pointing out that getting rat-arsed and going home with strange men is asking for trouble is verboten.

    "You emasculated the police with your constant bleating and this is the result."

    I did? Strange. I don't remember.

    " fear of meeting a judge, bishop or George Michael ..."


  15. "If you need 'to go', why not pop into the local Police station (if you can find one) or Council offices and tell them as they closed the public conveniences, they have a duty of care to provide an alternative, and ask for the key to the Superintendant's or Council Chief's executive khazi."

    What a great idea!
