Wednesday 19 June 2013

Don’t Round Up The Usual Suspects!

A cyclist was assaulted in York, following an argument with
No! I know what you’re thinking…
another cyclist.
There’s a turn-up for the books, eh?
The man, who is in his thirties, was cycling over the railway bridge in Crichton Avenue, at about 6.30pm on Wednesday, June 5, when the front of his bike was clipped by another cyclist travelling in the opposite direction.
A spokesman for North Yorkshire Police said the victim was punched by the second cyclist, and a scuffle broke out before a passer by intervened.
The victim was not seriously hurt and not require hospital treatment.
The suspect apologised before cycling away in the direction of Wigginton Road, but police want to speak to anyone who saw the incident.
You get a politer class of road rage attacker on a bike, I guess… ;)


  1. I was thinking 'Viking'. York is heaving with them this month - I'm told the place looks like the back lot of the LOTR set.

    I'm going up there for a gander.

  2. That you are far more likely to encounter a politer class cycling, is so true, Julia.

    Like the tandem cyclist stopped by panda plod. "Yer missus fell off abart a mile back, mate."

    "I'm truly grateful for that, officer. I thought I was going deaf!"

  3. Boom Boom, I say...Oh well said Mr Melvin.....

  4. "I was thinking 'Viking'. York is heaving with them this month - I'm told the place looks like the back lot of the LOTR set."

    Is it? How odd!

    Look forward to the blog post... ;)

    "Boom Boom, I say...Oh well said Mr Melvin....."

    Ah, the old ones are indeed the best!

  5. "Ah, the old ones are indeed the best!"

    A brief visit to Rome requires one to observe customary plagiarism, JuliaM.
