Sunday 2 June 2013

It's A Little 'On The Nose', Don't You Think..?

What's that? Oh, right. Meat. Sorry, I thought....

Never mind.                      


H/T: The Jannie for spotting this in his local CoOp and sending it by email...


  1. DavefromTacoma2 June 2013 at 16:36

    Here in Washington state that sign will soon actually mean pot.

    They're planning on selling it at liquor stores. Hopefully they'll have separate check-out lines. Who wants to get stuck behind a bunch of befuddled pot-heads when you pop down to buy a bottle.

  2. That's probably going to make it across the pond in a few years time... :/

  3. I notice that the fags and tobacco are on display. The thought police will have a field day!
