Thursday 27 June 2013

Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone!

Marius Bartoc, 31, of Sterry Road, pleaded guilty to the theft that took place on May 28 at a Tesco in Goodmayes.
Barkingside Magistrates Court heard last Thursday, how Bartoc made the move to England from Romania only a few months ago after being promised employment once he arrived. He had to leave his wife and two children in his home country, magistrates were told.
However, on arriving here the job offer turned out not to exist at ll and he had to find manual labour work to get by.
His defence lawyer told how a “moment of desperation” made the defendant, who does not have any previous convictions, commit the theft at the supermarket, in High Road.
Ah, well, I suppose under the circumstance, we should forgive him for simply helping himself to the staples of life?

So...what did he steal?
...a trolley-load of alcohol, confectionary and vegetables worth £500...
*throws away broken Give-A-Fuck-Ometer*


  1. Come January 2014 you may need to up your publishing schedule...

  2. " ...... the job offer turned out not to exist."

    So presumably he won't object when he's deported.

    We will be deporting the thief, won't we?

  3. No previous convictions in this country....he could be an escaped axe-murderer for all we know.

  4. Fidel Cuntstruck27 June 2013 at 14:52

    ..Bartoc made the move to England from Romania only a few months ago after being promised employment once he arrived.

    This, I suspect, will become the standard mitigating factor. A poor innocent fellow duped by unscrupulous traffickers is what we will be expected to believe.

    ..He had to leave his wife and two children in his home country, magistrates were told.

    In early with the sympathy card - good strategy

    However, on arriving here the job offer turned out not to exist at all

    Well! .. colour me fucking astounded :0~

    .. and he had to find manual labour work to get by.

    What was the job offer then? Stockbroker or something *scratches head*

    His defence lawyer told how a “moment of desperation” made the defendant, who does not have any previous convictions, commit the theft at the supermarket...

    Of course he has no previous convictions .. in England ... he's only been here a few months *bangs head on desk*

    What a load of utter tosh, why are we even wasting public money on a court case? If this sort of thing is not going to be allowed to run amok once his fellow Romas appear in numbers, then would it not have been much simpler to make a big public fuss of putting the bugger straight back on the Eurostar? The outrage of the Lefties and the Progressives would have been such that even Romanian state TV might have shown it .. pour encourager les autres

  5. What he's supposed to do is get some gormless local girl up the stick and then claim a right to family life. Then you get the flat, the benefits, free healthcare and free language lessons.

    Tcha, are his genes too lazy to propel him even that far?

  6. "His defence lawyer ....."

    Hold on a minute, he's unemployed.

    Let me guess who's paid for the Legal-Eagle .........

  7. At the rate they're coming into Britain there will soon be more Roma in Britain than in Eastern Europe.

    Clearly they have used an arc welder to cut through the floodgates we were supposed to open in 2014, and sold the metal for scrap.

    Julia's less-than-ladylike remark about give-a-fuckometers rings true with me too.

  8. Sounds like he was stocking up on the essentials... and some vegetables.

    Trying to get a trolley-load out of the shop does not indicate a particularly bright criminal though. We had one in Local Shop recently who was a smartly dressed woman, clearly intelligent. She had her bag in her trolley. The baker saw her ram some booze bottles into her bag and alerted the manager.

    Sure enough, she didn't pay for them at the checkout. She did have some other items that she did pay for though.


    Obviously you can't trust people who buy vegetables.

  9. Can we lay the blame for the vegetables at the government's feet - I'm sure he was just trying to get in his five a day after all.

  10. "Come January 2014 you may need to up your publishing schedule..."

    I fear so!

    "No previous convictions in this country....he could be an escaped axe-murderer for all we know."

    It wouldn't be the first time. Why is our border so poorly protected?

    "This, I suspect, will become the standard mitigating factor."

    Oh, I'm sure! It's worked so well for the indigenous population..

  11. "What he's supposed to do is get some gormless local girl up the stick..."

    Spot on!

    "Clearly they have used an arc welder to cut through the floodgates we were supposed to open in 2014, and sold the metal for scrap. "


    "Obviously you can't trust people who buy vegetables."

