Sunday 23 June 2013

Mrs Beamish Lives!

A vicar has quit after elderly parishioners mounted a whispering campaign against him for introducing ’happy clappy’ hymns into his church services.
The Rev David Dickinson had boosted congregations at his church in the picturesque Lancashire village, attracting dozens of young families and their children. 
But his efforts to modernise the church services caused a wave of resentment among older worshippers.

I salute you, villagers of Hoghton!


  1. Phew - I was just coming in to defend them and you'd already done it.

  2. Hmmn I'm in 2 minds about this, "Happy clappy" and "Trendy vicars" can be a bit "Slippery slope" etc, but the article did say "He would preach like that one week but the next be very high church. He was trying to keep everyone happy.".

    I suppose it's a fine line between "Bums on seats" and "Appealing to the common denominator".

    S'pose it's a case of you can't please all of the people, all of the time...

  3. In two minds but more on the side of the vicar, me.

  4. Actually, the more I think, the more I'm with the vicar. His job is to save souls, not to entertain.

  5. Brilliant !

    Thank you

  6. Why doesn't he open a branch church . One for each of the two groups.

  7. "S'pose it's a case of you can't please all of the people, all of the time..."

    No, indeed. But it's probably the older group that gives the most time to the church. Upset them at your peril!

    "Actually, the more I think, the more I'm with the vicar."

    It was a 50/50 thing with me too, but any excuse to have a bit of Stilgoe :)
