Thursday 27 June 2013

These Aren’t ‘Exceptional Circumstances’…

…these are consequences:
A man who put a sign outside his house threatening non-Asians they would be seriously assaulted or carjacked if they tried to speak to his family has been found guilty of a public order offence.
Well, hurrah!
Gova claimed the sign was to protect friends from attack following an incident a week before in which his neighbour was carjacked.
You see, he’s the victim, according to him.
Although district judge Karen Hammond agreed that Gova thought he was acting reasonably, in the eyes of the law, he was not.
And that’s all that matters.
DJ Hammond said that due to the exceptional circumstances of the case - in that Gova would lose his tenancy if convicted - he was given an absolute discharge but ordered to pay £325 in costs.
If the place is so bad, according to him, why worry? Isn’t it in his best interests to live elsewhere anyway?


  1. Strange he doesn't look very 'asian' to me, maybe middle eastern or something like that but not Chinese or Japanese.

  2. "If the place is so bad, according to him, why worry? Isn’t it in his best interests to live elsewhere anyway?"

    The Qur'an is clear on the obligation to remain and defend weaker Muslims, Julia. This verdict stems from white minority tyranny, conspiring to deny Vaseem Gova a modicum of Sharia in his own Country.

  3. I'm wondering if a white resident would have been treated so leniently if they had put up a similar notice about non-whites.

    Of course they would!
    And they wouldn't have been charged with some race-hate crime either.

  4. "Strange he doesn't look very 'asian' to me..."

    Me neither..

    "...conspiring to deny Vaseem Gova a modicum of Sharia in his own Country."

    Ah, well, the Met are making up for that this weekend... :/

    "I'm wondering if a white resident would have been treated so leniently if they had put up a similar notice about non-whites."

    I think we BOTH know the answer to that!
