Friday 28 June 2013

You Probably Aren’t Paranoid Now, They Probably Are Out To Get You…

…and it’s well deserved:
Winter was first convicted of the two animal cruelty offences in April in her absence after she failed to turn up to court.
She appealed the decision on the basis that she “suffered from paranoia” and did not have enough credit on her phone to warn the court she was unable to face giving evidence.
For once, the magistrates weren't in the mood to swallow it.
She now faces a maximum sentence of 51 weeks in prison and a fine of up to £20,000.
Hmmm. I doubt it.
She was released on unconditional bail and will be sentenced at Worthing Magistrates’ Court on July 18.
Watch this space…


  1. Bunny

    She's 33, a bit rough for 33

  2. Aren't they always, these types? Like the 'pregnant woman handcuffed by police!' the 'Mail' is getting indignant about...
