Thursday 25 July 2013

Sympathy Can Only Go So Far, Surely?

The dad of tragic toddler Levi Bleasdale, who was killed by a hit-and-run driver in Burnley eight years ago, has been spared jail after admitting burglary.
Lee Bleasdale, 30, had broken into an unoccupied house, which was in 'pristine condition' and ready to be let, the day after coming out of prison. He had struck in the early hours and had ripped out the fireplace.
Lee Bleasdale had 38 convictions under his belt.
Sentencing, Recorder Mark Ainsworth said Bleasdale's conduct had caused the owner of the house nuisance and cost her money.
The judge said: “You burgle houses to take property and make a living out of it.
The judge added: “I am prepared to give you a chance.
“The time is right now to give you one chance and see how you respond.”
Oh, I think we know. Still, there's a good chance he won't attempt to burgle your house, so I can see why it's a risk you're willing to take.

Sympathy goes a long way, it seems. The mother got her fair share too:
Kirsty Ryan, 22, has admitted making a false instrument, three counts of failing to surrender, two theft charges and breaching a suspended sentence. Last September she was warned by Judge Beverley Lunt (Ed: Say no more...), who imposed the suspended term, she would go into custody if she offended while subject to it.
Ryan, who has also not kept probation appointments for pre-sentence reports, was given a chance to have further report after her barrister told the court there had been recent changes in her life.
Roger Baldwin, defending, said Ryan had an "extremely complex set of problems".
Which are no doubt keeping a lot of public servants in employment. So, there's that...


  1. Twenty_Rothmans25 July 2013 at 17:45

    What a pity little Levi can't be there, to learn from her parents.

    Am I a heartless bastard?

    Not entirely. These worthless subhumans rut and reproduce at will. I might as well feel guilt about an ant on which I have trodden.

    Except the ant isn't after my money and possessions (save a few breadcrumbs) and it cannot vote.

  2. "Am I a heartless bastard?"

    If so, you've got company! I think we were spared one more useless mouth clamped firmly on the state teat.
