Monday 2 September 2013

And This Is Why All The Legislation In The World Won’t Help….

Linda Brooks, 62, was walking through a park when a bull terrier clamped its jaws around the throat of her golden retriever Abbey whilst its owner was asleep.
The guide dog suffered severe puncture wounds to its throat and is still on antibiotics to prevent an infection.
The mauling only ended when a park warden, who was driving a Land Rover, spotted the attack and frightened the dog away with the car's horn.
Pity he didn’t run it over…
"We later found out that the owner of the dog was asleep under a tree. They just went off with the dog afterwards without saying a word but the park warden followed her and found her address."
Mrs Brooks added she wanted to ensure action was taken after the attack in Lowndes Park in Chesham, Bucks.
She said: "I really had to press them to do something about it because there is a law which says that owners must keep their dogs under control in a public place."
It’s a familiar refrain. And no matter what legislation gets passed, and then amended, or beefed up, it’ll continue to happen. As Tom Paine points out, in relation to US demands for the extension of background checks, what’s needed is not more laws. It almost never is.

What’s needed is more enforcement of existing laws.
"They finally took notice and I have just received an email saying that the dog has been confiscated, with the owner's permission, and taken to a vet – which I assume means it has been put down.
"I am now thinking of setting up a website to offer victims of dog attacks advice."
And, sadly, the advice would seem to be: Never give up. Never stop chasing them. Never stop demanding that they do their jobs.

Because, as we can see here, (with the exception of that one diligent park warden) given half a chance, they won’t.


  1. The wishful thing part would be:-

    ""They finally took notice and I have just received an email saying that the dog has been confiscated, with the owner's permission, and taken to a vet – whilst the owner has been put down."

  2. What Joe said. I only need 99,999 more signatures for a Commons debate on the implementation of Clarkson 's law (the only sensible thing I have heard him say).

  3. "The wishful thing part would be.."


    "...the implementation of Clarkson 's law..."

    We can dream...
