Wednesday 25 September 2013

Yes, Clearly, You're Right, The Problem's 'Negative Media Coverage'....

Professor Matthew Goodwin, another one of the group's members, said: "Every survey that I have run, and surveys run by my academic colleagues, makes it quite clear that a significant proportion of the British population hold negative views of Islam, and by extension British Muslim communities."
The government group says constant negative media coverage on Islam is shaping people's views. A report submitted to the Leveson inquiry into press standards last year concluded there was "a serious and systemic problem of racist, anti-Muslim reporting within sections of the British media".
So, then, just how are you going to put a positive slant on media reports? I suppose you can try, but it seems to me to be a circle you aren't going to be able to square, frankly...


  1. In the end you are left shaking your head at the utter madness of it all..... after 9/11 the US hit em hard and look at what a fook up mess they made of that.... but let the lunatics run free and you end up with woolwich, kenya to name but only 2 events....

    You are right, you can't square a circle.... but then you can't polish a turd either.

    One thing I do know though.... I'm not sure I'd ever get pissy with someone if they didn't know the name of Jesus mother.... so some of the excuses for the slaughter in Kenya do make you wonder.... are we actually heading for out right war against islam or just against pure evil.... and of course the trouble with that, evil is amongst us all not just islam.... look at cregan, Magdelena Luczak, mark bridgers, [the list goes on].

    So the bottom line is we watch and despair.... and then we see Iain Dale mugging a protestor.... in truth is that twat any better ? Might not have shot/slaughtered/murdered/butchered him.... but what fooking right did Dale have ?

    What a bonkers world we live in... and there was me thinking it was just I is nuts.... hey oh back to the hamster wheel.

  2. Unfortunately the truth of the matter is that it is not 'racist' anti-Islamic media that is the problem, it is Islam itself and the actions of too high a proportion of its followers.

    To try to pass this off as an image problem is to have deliberately blinded oneself to the evidence.

    I noticed that this is a Newsbeat poll which means that it has been paid for out of the pockets of licence fee payers.

    Personally I think that it is a positive thing that 25% of younger people don't trust Islam. It is the height of common sense to not trust Islam.

  3. From the report:

    "An adviser on anti-Muslim hatred said the findings suggested young people needed to mix more."

    The BBC frequently publishes court-reports of adolescent-white-females mixing with groups of mature-Muslim-males.

  4. But F211, that's only 25% of the youngsters who don't trust islam, what about the other 75% ?... what it really needs is 100% of us growns up to say we don't trust islam... maybe then instead of pandering to the let's not upset a muslim brigade, we might get some proper balance back to society... but really can we believe that will happen ? There's more chance of the hole in my arse healing up before that happens...

  5. My Crusader ancestors did not have negative ideas, in fact they had very positive ideas.

  6. Ageing man. I certainly agree that the grown ups have got to start speaking. I was pleasantly surprised that over a quarter of young people don't trust Islam. That is in spite of years of Left wing brainwashing about how Islam is the religion of peace. People are noticing the disconnect and I would say that it is far more socially acceptable now to call an islamic 'prophet' a murdering nonce than it was say five years ago.

    Our politicians may be craven but not all of Britain's people have succumbed.

    I did love the BBC handled this story, it seemed shocked that people dislike the death cult of Islam.

    You are right in what you say in that we do need to get a whole lot more balanced about Islam.

    25% of people willing to speak out and not be cowed by being accused of being a 'racist' is an improvement.

  7. "The government group says constant negative media coverage on Islam is shaping people's views."

    That's it; blame the messanger.

    As F211, quite correctly, says "it is not 'racist' anti-Islamic media that is the problem, it is Islam itself.

  8. I just hope that Kenya manages to deliver some real justice to the ten they caught.

  9. "...constant negative media coverage on Islam is shaping people's views"

    Ermmm yeah, yes it is.

    So the Followers of Mo; how are those hijackings, beheadings and bombings working out? Not so good huh? Okay, maybe the drug dealing, child trafficking and prostitution will produce the glowing headlines you're seeking? Gotta be worth a try. After all, just being nice to your neighbours, flowers down gun barrels and tolerance to others ain't going do you any favours... oh, then again, actually it just might.

  10. 'constant negative media coverage on Islam is shaping people's views'

    Nothing to do with the bombings, beheadings, industrial scale grooming, constant aggressive encroachment followed by whining victimhood then?

    To mis-quote Forrest Gump, Islam is as Islam does.

  11. "In the end you are left shaking your head at the utter madness of it all..."

    Stay tuned. There's more coming up from Appeasers Corner*...


    "... it is Islam itself and the actions of too high a proportion of its followers. "

    Plus the deafening silence of the rest of 'em...

    "The BBC frequently publishes court-reports of adolescent-white-females mixing with groups of mature-Muslim-males."


    "That's it; blame the messanger."

    It's their default position :/
