Saturday 5 October 2013

But Camilla, I Don't Want To Raise 'Em...

Ah, gawd, she's at it again...
The founder of Kids Company said just £11million a year per local authority would allow the “re-parenting” of 11,500 abused or neglected children through street-level centres.
Gosh! I wonder who we’d find to run those..?
The centres would be open from 9am to 10pm every day, and be staffed by psychologists, child therapists and artists
… with a phone-line at night in case they were in trouble.
That’s in addition to Childline and the emergency services, I suppose?
Key workers could act in loco parentis and could attend school parents’ nights and provide hot meals and activities for the youngsters.
Leaving their real parents free to do…what? Breed more without the strain of having to raise them?
Ms Batmanghelidjh told a conference on vulnerable children at the LSE: “We’re in a country where children who are profoundly traumatised are also demonised. The public often perceive themselves as being persecuted by these kids, whereas we need to collectively take responsibility for looking after them. ”
Yes. It’s clearly just ‘a perception’, it’s not the case that anyone is ever in danger from these kids…


  1. "... whereas we need to collectively take responsibility for looking after them."

    No. No, we f'ing don't!

    Wayward parents can only abdicate their responsibilities if there is someone/somewhere prepared to take it up. The more alternatives to traditional parenting you provide the more it will be used... until it becomes the norm.

    It's time for some straight talking. Like the curtailment of excessive benefits, these parents need to be told that times are a changing: "You'll need to care for your kids in future because NO ONE else will".

    Look Camila Batmanghelidjh (Persian for curtain shop maybe?) if you want to devote your life to wiping the bottoms of these poor disadvantaged parents (because that's exactly what you're doing) then you go ahead with my blessing. Just don't expect me to chip in... not unless I can take one of their kids home for the weekend. I've a list of chores a ragamuffin might undertake, what do you think?

  2. XX Ms Batmanghelidjh XX

    You are taking the fucking piss....right?

  3. Julia, the state wants to nationalise our kids - and these charities are merely fronts, pretending concern for the "vulnerable" ones.

    It's happening in Scotland already -

  4. It's pronounced Mrs Batman(catarrh).

    I will not look after other people's children. However, if a cull of the horrible little things is ever proposed, count me in.

    This is also wrecking my chances of ever finishing Panoptica, in which nobody brings up their own child in order to remove favouritism.

    Dammit, I'll write it as a documentary. It'll be one soon enough anyway.

  5. And mrs batmanjelly expects to be put in charge of it all on a fat wedge too I suppose?

  6. Dammit, I'll write it as a documentary.

    Or Ed Miliband's manifesto!

  7. "The more alternatives to traditional parenting you provide the more it will be used... until it becomes the norm. "

    I think, for some areas, it's already far too late.

    "You are taking the fucking piss....right?"

    Nope, I've featured her before... ;)

    "Dammit, I'll write it as a documentary. It'll be one soon enough anyway."

    Sadly true!
