Monday 7 October 2013

Calm Down, Calm Down, Calm Down....

The 'Guardian' bangs the 'poverty' drum yet again:
Food and fuel poverty is common in inner-city Liverpool, and so is debt. In fact, the two are increasingly intertwined. The cost of living pressures faced by low-income households, coupled with welfare cuts such as the bedroom tax, mean poor families are increasingly turning to payday loans to meet the cost of basics such as groceries, rent and electricity bills.
Oh noes! There'll be corpses in the streets and...

Wait. In Liverpool? Who'd notice?
"It's like the 1980s all over again," says Eileen Halligan, chief executive of Central Liverpool Credit Union.
Without the mullets, I hope?
St Andrew's Community Network runs a money management service in Clubmoor, the city's sixth most-deprived ward, which has traditionally helped clients with issues such as overspending on catalogue shopping.
So, even before the bad old days when the Coalition swept to power and began scorching the earth and salting the land, the people of this city had trouble managing to live within their means?

Hmmm. Maybe, is it just possible, that it's not entirely the fault of the dreaded Coalition?

Nah. That's clearly crazy talk.


  1. Perhaps if they voted for political parties that actually cared for them, then some thing could be done.

    But if you keep the poor, poor and tell them its all the fault of those nasty Conservatives and, not forgetting, 'Fatcher', they will just keep voting for you as they have always done.

    No wonder they despise the (un)working-class.

  2. Fidel Cuntstruck7 October 2013 at 13:35

    Wah, wah, wah .. poor families are increasingly turning to payday loans to meet the cost of basics such as groceries, rent and electricity bills.

    She forgot to add Sky packages ... mobile and internet packages ... Takeaway menus etc. etc.

    Dear poor underpriviledged Scousers, there is an old saying that applies to all of us where spending is concerned .. Cut your cloth to suit your purse - I've found it most effective.

    I happened to be in the City of Pity week before last, saw my Clients and happened to drive back through Khierbee (Kirby) just as the schools were coming out - the Maccy D's where I stopped for coffee was full to the gunwhales with poor underpriviledged schoolchildren buying their afternoon snacks (or it may have been an early dinner if "ar Mam" was on backshift) either way it's a less than economical way to feed them isn't it?

  3. Football fans out there will recognise this chant at Liverpool matches-"always the victim it's never your fault".

  4. When they talk about "People are either getting massively into debt, or they will get malnourished", I'd love to see exactly what food it is they are cooking.

    My guess would be that there wouldn't be many casseroles, vegetables or unprocessed meat involved...

  5. I phones, large electrical equipment and tats are more important than food. Its their own fault.

  6. For more decades than I can remember - Beating drug dealers, bailiffs, social services, truant officers and unsavoury fuck-buddies to the top of the list of "Common Callers" is...*drum roll please*....The *Provvy Woman.

    *Provident Credit.

  7. Having read the comments over there, the complete disconnection with reality makes me think that being left-wing is a mental illness.

  8. xx Food and fuel poverty is common in inner-city Liverpool, and so is debt. Do not forget I.Q!!!!

  9. XX (or it may have been an early dinner if "ar Mam" was on backshift)XX

    I thought scouser women were ALWAYS on "Back shift."

    Flat on their backs in some rooms, in dilapidated bedsits, that women of negotiable effection may rent by the hour, down the dock road.

  10. "Perhaps if they voted for political parties that actually cared for them..."

    Do any of them care for us?

    "... there is an old saying that applies to all of us where spending is concerned .. Cut your cloth to suit your purse - I've found it most effective."


    "My guess would be that there wouldn't be many casseroles, vegetables or unprocessed meat involved..."

    Oh, mine too!

  11. "...The *Provvy Woman."

    The modern equivalent being the payday lenders Labour's so hysterical about?

    "...the complete disconnection with reality makes me think that being left-wing is a mental illness."

    If so, it's treatable by growing up (usually).
