Tuesday 22 October 2013

Computer DPA Says 'No'...

Hundreds of disgruntled runners who took part in the inaugural Bournemouth Marathon Festival have accused event organisers of withholding information by failing to provide full race results.
Given that the whole point of these races is ranking, what gives?
GSi Events Ltd, the team behind the BMF, has published the top ten runners in the various age categories, but is refusing to publish all the results on the grounds of data protection… a spokesman for GSi events said: “All runners’ personal data and information, including running times, are treated with great respect.
“As such, result information is exclusively available to each individual.
“Runners simply have to log in to get their times, splits and finishing position within the race.
“They can then choose to share this information as they see fit.”
Hmmm, given they've already published some info (did they check with everyone first, or was it in whatever T&Cs of joining they put out?) it sounds a lot more like they just can't be arsed to spare the manpower to get the data displayed.

But why not just say that?
What people are saying on Facebook
• John Wheatley: “It is quite ridiculous to quote data protection when virtually every other race in the country publishes full sets of results.”
• Steve Greenaway: “I certainly would not have bothered with their race if I’d known ahead of time that you would hide the results.”
• Mark Dutton: “If data protection is the reason, how and why are my details posted on runbritainrankings.com?”
• Stuart Park: “I was 84th in my age group but do not know if there were 85 or 850 in many age group, surely that’s not a secret is it?”
I guess GSi Events won't be getting many entrants in the future. Vote with your (tired and blistered) feet, folks!


  1. Offtopic, but a real doozy for you here, Julia...the Inspector's attempts to justify would make Kafka raise an eyebrow.



  2. Imagine the chaos had these cretins been responsible for compiling the results for the Olympics...

  3. "...the Inspector's attempts to justify would make Kafka raise an eyebrow."

    The worst thing is I think he genuinely believes this is better!

    "Imagine the chaos had these cretins been responsible for compiling the results for the Olympics..."

    That would have been fun to watch!
