Sunday 13 October 2013

The 'Daily Mail' - For Readers Who Can't...

...certainly, for those who can't read (or understand) long words like 'oesophagus'.


  1. Typical London prejudice against the paper which most closely represents the typical English voter. If it wasn't for the Scots and Welsh we would have a PERMANENT Tory government. Mind you I don't believe in Cameron-neither do Mail readers...

  2. Food gullet? Is there any other type of gullet..

  3. No, the typical English suburbanite, who puts Simon Heffer on a stone-clad, mock-tudor pedestal, and thinks Adam Smith is what the oiks drink.

  4. Any chance of putting my previous comment under Mike Harris' comment, which my comment was replying to?

  5. ... long words like 'oesophagus'.

    Oh! You mean cake hole?

    Anyway, I'm sure the newspaper refrained from using the correct term so as not to introduce a new celeb/slappette/chav name down at the Essex Registry of Births.

  6. "Is there any other type of gullet.."

    Good question!

    "Any chance of putting my previous comment under Mike Harris' comment, which my comment was replying to?"

    Sadly not, in Blogger all I can do is allow or delete, I can't move comments.

    "I'm sure the newspaper refrained from using the correct term so as not to introduce a new celeb/slappette/chav name down at the Essex Registry of Births."


  7. Any chance of putting my previous comment under Mike Harris' comment, which my comment was replying to?

    Any chance of changing one of Ian's to one of John's and letting me be you if I wear a skirt?

    Incidentally, someone put a post up about you, Julia.
