Saturday 26 October 2013

There’s Never Any ‘Narrowcasting’ In The Progressive Media, Oh, Dear Me, No…

Matthew Goodwin on the case of Pavlo Lapshyn:
Security officials have spent at least 50 years shaping law enforcement tools around the assumption that terrorism is at least cell-based with chains of command. But disrupting group dynamics, infiltrating organisations and exploiting weak links in a longer chain suddenly appear redundant in the fight against isolated individuals, who might never even have met a fellow believer.
Instead, the Breiviks of the world engage in extreme "narrowcasting", visiting the same websites day after day, encountering little that challenges their worldview.
That sounds rather….familiar! Read a lot of CiF comment threads, have you, Matthew?
He admired the Oklahoma bomber, Timothy McVeigh, and Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Behring Breivik…
Which is bad. Very bad.

On the other hand, admiring Che or the likes of William Ayers or the Reverend Wright, that’s good, and what every good progressive should do.
This is why, this week, one of the UK's most senior security officials has warned about the lone wolf threat, claiming activists driven by a hatred of immigrants and Muslims are often more skilled in using explosives, harder to track, and not constrained by the weaknesses that undermine groups.
So we should all panic. Apparently.


  1. Yes, nothing at all to worry about from Islamists... unless you live in Nairobi. Or Woolwich.

    You can almost hear the Hampstead intellectuals screaming out silently 'let it be a white nutter' every time there's 'an incident' can't you?

  2. “….. one of the UK's most senior security officials has warned about the lone wolf threat,”

    So that’s why the NSA taps nearly everyone’s phone?

    [Apart from poor old Alex Salmond, who’s ego was severely dented when he discovered he was not on the list of ’35 world leaders whose phones were tapped’]

  3. Bunny

    The Ukrainians are shocked and disappointed by this, as far as they are concerned someone who only kills one is a failure, now if he had have got at least for or five then he would have been a proper Ukrainian. It is interesting to note that they do not mention the Islamic threat, just concentrate on the white element. Perhaps if the bearded savages moved their attention from Whitechapel to say Islington it would be a different attitude.

  4. Uncle Badger - spot on!

    You could feel the palpable disappointment when it turned out to not be an EDL/BNP type.

    Still they'll console themselves with the "look see Muslims are victims too" - till you look at the relative bodycounts...

    The other thing that struck me about the coverage was the focus on the process of how he got radicalised - Nazi video games etc.

    Yet they never do the same to the muslim nutters, i.e. Extremists imans hate preaching here in the UK, literal adherence to the Koran etc...

  5. The double standard where it is acceptable to wear a communist emblem but not a fascist emblem winds me up. Both sets of symbols represent hate filled murderous authoritarian bollocks.

    Having mixed with said Hampstead empty-heads at one point in my life, I would say that Uncle Badger is right.

    Re this:

    "This is why, this week, one of the UK's most senior security officials has warned about the lone wolf threat, claiming activists driven by a hatred of immigrants and Muslims are often more skilled in using explosives, harder to track, and not constrained by the weaknesses that undermine groups."

    Although I deplore attacks on Mosques and individuals (I'd much they bugger off voluntarily after being told 'no we are not going to pander your stone age cult'), this comment from the security source is, if he is telling the truth, illustrating by his comment a changed social attitude. What has changed is that there are now a lot more people in a lot more places getting seriously pissed off about the religion of 'antagonistic ethos'.

    Most people who are pissed off with the religion of murder and donkey sex are not explosively violent, but some are. However as the proportion of people in the country getting stressed by and fed up of Islam rises, you will get both more non violent opponents of Islam but also more violent and unhinged ones. As the situation worsens and Islam impacts negatively on more people's lives, so could a violent challenge to Islam begin.

    I don't know about you but I'd rather that this problem, caused by mistakenly listening to those who said that 'Islam is just another religion', be sorted out via the ballot box, the police and the armed services. Sadly, because nothing has been done, it looks like our medium term future will belong to the mobs with flaming torches. From civilisation to potential civil war in only a couple of generations, it has happened to civilisations before, but in Britain, our politicians have invited in the very people who wish to slay us and debase us.

  6. White children are having their collars felt for thoughcrime against minorities. Bet this doesn't happen to minority kids.

  7. "You can almost hear the Hampstead intellectuals screaming out silently 'let it be a white nutter' every time there's 'an incident' can't you?"

    Yup! Yesterday on Twitter, cretins were blaming the EDL & 'right wing propaganda' for this case.

    The fact the suspected assailants were Lithuanian sailed right over their empty heads.

    "The Ukrainians are shocked and disappointed by this, as far as they are concerned someone who only kills one is a failure..."


    "..Nazi video games etc."

    What, 'Castle Wolfenstein'? I loved that game!

    "Both sets of symbols represent hate filled murderous authoritarian bollocks. "

    One has a slightly bigger bag (so far) but that's all that sets them apart...
