Sunday 13 October 2013

Weather's Turning Nippy...

....but not that nippy!

Oy! You're not a brass monkey, they won't fall off! 

The joys of Tube transport...

I Tweeted this Friday morning, and would have left it at that, but then I found out that apparently, this - snapping pics of filthy animals who should be horsewhipped taking shots of innocent people going about their lives on public transport -  annoys exactly the sort of people I like to annoy, so I thought I'd share it with my non-Twitter readers too.. :)

Luckily, I left the train just as he was rummaging around in his ear with one sausage-like digit before inspecting the contents with an air of scientific detachment, so at least there's no picture of that...



  1. Oddly enough i too witnessed my mate on thursday rummaging around his ear with a bit of newspaper whilst waiting for his microwave curry to cool down, he was totally oblivious that this wasn't table manners.

    While i'm on the subject, how do you tell another mate of mine that his son (30 years old) should not belch continually during an evening soiree at their house, cos its going to be the same at xmas eve again without doubt

    They ignore it, should i ?

  2. I occasionally take candids when out and about. I don't publish them, though. That said, the Groan is muddying the waters. If you are in a public space, there is no right to privacy, so candids are perfectly fine and the subject has no recourse if they don't like it.

  3. He's obviously looking for his copy of The Rules of Crotch Adjusting on Public Transport - Pocket Billiards Edition.

    I want to know why the anonymous crotch fiddler seems to be fascinated by the open mouth of the bloke sitting next to him.

  4. Well, like him, I'd be looking in utter disgust at the man not covering his gaping yawn with his hand, too. Fancy doing that in public, I ask you.

    There's a hierarchy in everything, dontchaknow.

  5. There was some wibble in the Daily Angry about respectable kids speaking in patois and loads of chavs wander round with their hands in their pants and trousers off their arse - well, frankly, it's a bit rum all in all.

  6. Isn't it funny how it's always the same authoritarian/lefty lot that insist we have CCTV everywhere but then complain when we pick up our own cameras?

  7. "They ignore it, should i ?"

    In some countries, it's a compliment to the cook.. ;)

    "...and the subject has no recourse if they don't like it."

    In law, no.

    "He's obviously looking for his copy of The Rules of Crotch Adjusting on Public Transport - Pocket Billiards Edition."


    "Isn't it funny how it's always the same authoritarian/lefty lot that insist we have CCTV everywhere but then complain when we pick up our own cameras?"

    The State is always wise and benevolent, comrade.

  8. And she calls herself a libertarian. No doubt she's fully versed in Rand, von Mises, Rothbard, David Friedman etc., and that's all cool with her pals at the Guardian.

  9. I take it you didn't offer to shake hands with him Julia ?


  10. "And she calls herself a libertarian."

    Well, no. And even if I did, don't they have SOME standards?!?

    "Oh, I dunno, it could be worse."

    Ewwww! It definitely could!

    "I take it you didn't offer to shake hands with him Julia ?"

