Saturday 28 December 2013

A Good Reason Not To Allow Your Relatives To Support You In Court...

Lewis Smith, 19, was sentenced to more than five months in a young offenders’ institution after he admitted stealing a £600 rotavator, used for turning soil, from Drudgeon Farm in Bean.
He's not the brightest spark. They never are, are they?
Mitigating for Smith, Mukhtiar Singh (Ed: Oh boy! Furor's gonna love that... ;)) told magistrates his client had recently come out of prison for a previous offence when he went on his “offending spree”.

Mukhtiar, ol' son, I think you're doing this 'mitigation' stuff wrong...
He said: “I ask you to consider whether in light of his offending spree since coming out of prison whether that sentence was effective.
Well, no. Clearly, it wasn't at the point at which he was released! Keep him in next time
“In the last few days his child was born prematurely and is still in Darent Valley Hospital.
Ah, here comes the sob-story!
“There is an opportunity here - the birth of a child and perhaps the birth of a future.”
Not much of one, if he takes after dear ol' dad. But maybe it's just these couple of offences and...

Magistrates sentenced unemployed Smith, who the court heard has Asperberger’s (sic) and ADHD, to 160 days in a young offenders’ institution for the two burglaries. They also took into account 11 offences for handling stolen goods in relation to the items found in Smith’s home.
Magistrate Deborah Read said: “I hope when you get out you can have a fresh start and I’m sure you are very remorseful that you can’t be with your child this Christmas.”
A male relative of Smith, of Beacon Drive, Bean, told the magistrate to “shut up” after the verdict was read.


  1. Has the standard of education in the UK dropped so low that the paper has to explain what a rotavator is and does?

    Maybe sentencing should not be on a fixed time basis but be based on repayment for the goods stolen and costs of the break-in, to be taken out of earnings in prison. They might just stop and think about what it will cost them then.

  2. His Aspergers is so mild that he's able to pull a bird and ADHD so mold that he can concentrate long enough to impregnate her. Pull the other one. These are non-diagnoses.

  3. "Has the standard of education in the UK dropped so low that the paper has to explain what a rotavator is and does?"

    The copy editor probably had to look it up!

    "His Aspergers is so mild that he's able to pull a bird..."

    Have you ever been to Bean? ;)
