Monday 16 December 2013

Coming Over Here, Taking Our Places On The Streets & Our Dogs On A String…

Almost a third of people receiving homelessness support in London are foreign nationals, figures reveal today.
Among the 15,450 the London boroughs help are 4,490 from overseas, with hundreds coming from Europe. The estimated cost the councils bear is between £25 million and £35 million a year.
*grinds teeth*
Among the changes that Mr Cameron announced last week is a plan to make migrants wait three months before claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance — at the moment they can receive it in less than a month.
Meanwhile benefits will be stopped after six months unless claimants have a genuine prospect of employment and beggars and rough sleepers from EU countries will be deported and barred from re-entry for 12 months.
Well, hurrah! Who could argue that this wasn't a good thing?
Lib-Dem MP for Southwark Simon Hughes acknowledged that there was a problem with a disproportionate number of men from European states among the homeless in his constituency.
But he added: “I have asked for clarification that someone who, for a day or a week, may not have a permanent or secure place to stay, will not automatically lose their right to stay in the UK or be criminalised.”


  1. How typical of the LibDems to take the first sensible idea Dave & Co have had for ages - and try to water it down!

  2. Simon 'The straight choice for Bermondsey' Hughes is indeed typical of the Lib Dems and a glaring example of why they should never be trusted with your vote.

  3. I hope his clarification will be clear. They will be deported immediately.

  4. Perhaps someone could send the bill to Simon Hughes. I bet he'd change his viewpoint then.

    But it's ok to demand MY money be used for this stuff isn't it Mr Hughes?

  5. As I like to tell the rich beggars of London, eat the dog.

  6. Did you mean this 'Simon Hughes' ?

    Or this one ?

  7. " take the first sensible idea Dave & Co have had for ages.."

    It's usually Dave & Co doing that themselves, I'll grant you!

    "... and a glaring example of why they should never be trusted with your vote."

    Agreed. The difficulty is....who can be?

    "As I like to tell the rich beggars of London, eat the dog."

    Heh! Well, if it's good enough for the US President... ;)
