Thursday 12 December 2013

I Don’t Suppose You’ve Tried Parenting..?

Worried parents are urging transport bosses to bring in an afternoon school service so their children are not “wandering the streets in the dark” .
Tell your children not to wander around in the dark, on pain of a good hiding. Problem solved!
Bolton-based pupils at Bury Church High School must rely on public services as their school bus does not run at the end of the day.
Oh, just like…everyone else?
Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) said they do not have a spare vehicle to run a dedicated afternoon school service and insisted that the 512 from Bury Interchange is not “overloaded” .
I suspect the perception of the other passengers might tell you it is, since in my experience, 5 or 6 modern schoolkids can easily sound like 20 or 30…

But parents are very concerned at the failure of the bus company to pander to the every whim of their offspring meet this customer need:
Delia Cottam, aged 46, from Stoneclough, whose son William attends Bury Church, said: “We have spoken with the school and the police and they have been quite supportive. Now it is getting dark so early in the evenings, it is worrying that our children may be wandering through Bury with half an hour to spare.”
Naturally enough, the parents fall back on that old, reliable, tried and tested lever to move things their way - THE PAEDOBOOGEYMAN:
They are also angered by the time of the 712 service in the morning.
Ms Cottam added: “It is at 7.40am which means the kids are at school for just after 8am. “If they are delayed getting the bus home they sometimes will not get back until 5pm, which is too long a day. You can’t help but worry about your children in this situation as you just never know who might be about. They are more vulnerable and could be targeted.”
The only things likely to be ‘targeting them’ are, usually, their peers, despite the lurid pictures you are painting…


  1. Delia Cottam, aged 46, from Stoneclough, whose son William attends Bury Church....

    Ahh Haaaa! - a very telling little snippet I think

    God forbid that Cottam Jnr should not be supervised from the School gate all the way into Mummy's waiting arms .. he might get up to all sorts of mischief - making friends with rough boys .. eating sweets ... hanging round the town centre and .. heaven forfend .. GIRLS!!! :0/

    He won't want his Mum collecting him of course - she'd notice that he takes off his cotton-wool wrapping as soon as he's out of her sight.

  2. I'm amazed that I ever made it through skool back in the 60's 70's. No dedicated buses (we had to use ordinary public transport, like everyone else). And heaven help any pupil in uniform who misbehaved on their way to and from school. No "free" mobiles, either. Many families didn't have a phone at all. How would today's yoof cope with missing the bus in that situation? Cue Monty Python...

  3. The Blocked Dwarf12 December 2013 at 15:23

    "she'd notice that he takes off his cotton-wool wrapping as soon as he's out of her sight."

    William Cottam was unavailable for comment as he was too busy rolling a smoke and trying to beat Ronny Mc Chav's high score on 'Nekk1d W1ckEd Guns Super Mega Death 13- The Cocaine Edition'

    Which, if memory serves-and it's going back a few years- is what school Bus Shelters were designed for...although in my day it was 'Top Trumps' and Sun Page3. I doubt Lill' Bill could 'take' the Ol'Horrible the Big Boys smoked back then...cos he is ASTHMATIC...poor little lamb...

  4. I can recall being sent home early from primary school because of fog.This was the late 1940s so no Clean Air act was in force yet.We all walked home,over a mile in my case,along a busy main road.Paedophiles had yet to be invented and we had to make do with the strange man in the next street.What a deprived childhood I had.

  5. I wonder how I survived 5 years wandering the streets of Clacton avoiding the wierdos (on the dark winter afternoons)and the mods and rockers (in the summer season) for up to an hour every afternoon crossing the town between school ending around 4 to catch the normal public service bus at 5pm.

  6. XX Bolton-based pupils at Bury Church High School must rely on public services as their school bus does not run at the end of the day.XX


    Stop the school bus run half an hour before school ends!!

    THAT will teach the bastards!

  7. "...she'd notice that he takes off his cotton-wool wrapping as soon as he's out of her sight."

    Didn't we all? Yes. Girls as well!

    "I'm amazed that I ever made it through skool back in the 60's 70's. "

    Me too. And they call it 'progress', amazingly enough.

    "What a deprived childhood I had."

    Me too! We deserve some compo, surely?
