Sunday 15 December 2013

On The Fourth Day Of Christmas, The Overbearing State Gave To Me…

confusion over competing rights and equality legislation:
Ms Dandridge added: ''What is very uncomfortable about this argument is you are assuming that we have the right to impose views on participants. If the participants say this is how they want it to be, it is not appropriate for us to disregard their views.
''If people feel more comfortably about sitting separately, and that's invariably the situation that will arise in these cases, then universities have to listen to those views.''
*buys yet more popcorn*

Also rigid application of ‘weapons policies’, prosecution via hindsight and justice system intransigence.


  1. Where's Harriet Hormone when you want her?

    A short while ago she was raving on about stopping voluntary associations - ie groups of friends - from discriminating on gender grounds when it came to admitting new members.

    So what's good for golf clubs is surely good for meetings in universities too. Looking forward to women-only societies, swimming pool sessions, the Mothers' Union etc admitting men in future.

    Incidentally, where does all this leave trannies and others of indeterminate gender? Shouldn't Nikki Sinclair MEP be invited to join the debate?

    Perhaps Rupert Murdoch should be required to put Dame Nikki, complete with bulging testosterone muscles, on page 3 come to that.....

  2. Tangentially related: that councillor last week, Dawn Barnett, is being dragged before the Star Chamber again next week on the 19th.

    A blog covered the story, including linking to the agenda which detailed the complaint letter from a councillor who clearly has 'ishoos' with Ms Barnet.

    The council quickly removed the agenda and have re-convened a secret trial for the unfortunate councillor.

  3. "Where's Harriet Hormone when you want her? "

    Foes anyone, ever?

    "...which detailed the complaint letter from a councillor who clearly has 'ishoos' with Ms Barnet. "

    Oh, I don't doubt it! I'll keep an eye on this one.

  4. When I win the lottery....(supose it MAY be an idea to buy a ticlet first, of course), I will DELIGHT in taking as many of these "women only fitness clubs" to court as possible.

  5. "(supose it MAY be an idea to buy a ticlet first, of course)"

    You gotta meet him half way... ;)
