Monday 23 December 2013

On The Twelfth Day Of Christmas, The Overbearing State Gave To Me…

overreach just because they can:
Sriracha sauce “is a great American story, it’s the American dream: he uses these fresh peppers, quality ingredients, nobody is complaining, there’s no problem with the safety of the product and then boom, all of a sudden the state decides he’s got to stop selling it,” says Daren Bakst, an agriculture regulation expert at the conservative Heritage Foundation, in Washington.
“Bottom line is that other businesses and consumers need to understand the rationale for this: did the state overreach, was it using sound science, were there other options, was it just arbitrary? Regardless of whether you care about this sauce, you do care about what the business environment is going to be like in your state.”
Well, of course it did! No point in having power if you don’t use it, pour encouragers les autres, eh?

Also pressure to conform or else, the arming of its enforcers for trivial incidents, pointless gestures to undermine personal responsibility, regulation of every tiny detail of our lives even when safety’s no longer an issue, rushed-through ‘feel good’ policies that fall at the first hurdle, the total inversion of previous guidelines as a result of media hysteria, expansion through scaremongering, confusion over competing rights and equality legislation, rigid application of ‘weapons policies’, prosecution via hindsight and justice system intransigence.


  1. On the twelfth day of Christmas a blogger gave the interent another bastardised story.

    " he's got to stop selling it, nobody is complaining"

    Local residents have complained of difficulty in breathing because of the factory, the product is on hold until mid january, supplies may run out in stores.

    It was only yesterday Quiet man did the same thing on his blog..bastardised a story cos it wasn't sexy enough for a rant.



  2. > Local residents have complained of difficulty in breathing because of the factory

    That was for a short period a while back while grinding was happening. This hold is not related to that in any way.

    This hold is due to concerns over the safety of the product for consumers. Near as I can understand, it's because the ingredients are not cooked before mixing and this has posed questions of bacterial safety in the final product.

  3. Rickie, if you read the original article you will see that the possible breathing problems are over for at least a year because the company has enough ground product for next year. During the next year they will be able to improve their filtration to overcome those 'problems'.

    The reason he has to stop selling it for at least a month is because some jobsworth hopes to get recognition as a bright bunny and so advance their government position. Or maybe he didn't pass over the required brown envelope.

  4. Ah, I see that you are suffering an infection of Rickie the moron who still can't read plain English and once again uses the strawman to mislead.

    The breathing problems have nothing to do with the decision to implement the shipping moratorium. Separate matter that is no longer an issue because all of this year's chillies have already been ground. Anyone who actually read the article would realise that - unless you were a fuckwit.

  5. @longrider, take your strawman and shove it up your arse, cos it keeps popping up on every post you make, there is nothing misleading about what i posted.

    The bastardised story is where the misleading begins, highlighting "nobody is complaining" and "stop selling it" is misleading and once again is a another bansturbators ban that isnt a ban.

    there are complaints from locals, there are potential health issues with the product thats why its being investigated.

    Julia with her " No point in having power if you don’t use" the angle she wanted to rant about....the full story is a lot more balanced, not that matters of course, it never does.

  6. Ah, Rickie the moron strikes again. Your repeated lying doesn't make something true, no matter how much you might like it to be. You clearly are too much of a dullard to understand what a strawman is - and to even do a simple search to find out. The reason I keep mentioning it is because every time you pop up you are using it to misrepresent what others have said. It's the classic sign of an idiot who cannot construct a decent argument and back it up with reason, logic or fact.

    there are complaints from locals, there are potential health issues with the product thats why its being investigated.

    Nope. There are two very different issues as the original story pointed out. The moratorium on deliveries has nothing to do with the breathing problems complained about - and as has been pointed out to you but you are too thick to understand, this is no longer a problem - and is unnecessary and a gross abuse of state power - but being a useful idiot, this is just dandy with you.

    I was far too polite in labelling you a fuckwit - the average fuckwit has half as much wit more than you do.

  7. "Local residents have complained of difficulty in breathing..."

    As Anonymouslemming points out, that has nothing to do with this shutdown.

    "Ah, I see that you are suffering an infection of Rickie..."

    I'm hoping a course of antibiotics might clear it up...

  8. @longrider, the reason why this goes over your head again!, is that you see bansturbator monsters everywhere that don't exsist, i'm not surprised you swallowed another" twist and slant rant" so easily.

    "and is unnecessary and a gross abuse of state power"

    Try and do a search on the facts you fucking pillock

    " Health department spokeswoman Anita Gore told The Associated Press on Wednesday that the 30-day hold is needed to "ensure an effective treatment of microorganisms present in the product."

    "Holding products for a period of time at a specified pH level is one method of controlling those microorganisms," Gore said in an email. She added that Huy Fong got the order after state officials reviewed the way its sauces are produced. Companies using similar methods face the same requirements, she said."

    ah other companies using the same methods have to be subject to federal regulations too........has it sunk in yet.

    Probably not.

    Merry xmas


  9. I'm not the one having problems with facts. I'm not the one who managed to completely misinterpret the article being quoted. I'm not the pillock using the strawman here to "twist and rant", nor is Julia. You are.

    The moratorium is, indeed, an abuse of power - potentially destroying a business for no good reason - because no one has suffered as a consequence of any mythical micro-organisms. It is yet again the precautionary principle being used when it is unnecessary.

  10. I'm hoping a course of antibiotics might clear it up...

    You'll need anti-virals, I suspect. Certainly something with a bit of strength.

  11. @longrider...i'm sure it has sunk in for you, the facts have a habit of doing that.

    However you still reckon federal regulations enforcemnet is an abuse of power even though its about health in this case, and you decide that the potential micro-organisms are mythical , and that the breathing problems are no longer a problem

    *sighs*.. there is really nothing else to add, the truth is easily found, i don't give a fuck anymore wether you are really too thick to see it, or are just desperately blagging.

    The problem with julia's blog is her stringent publishing schedule where stories get published as quick as those bottles of sauce do in california , this leads to problems with facts and details cos the slant for the rant matters most.

    A good dose of Rickie does wonders for truth and facts on blags , i mean blogs.

  12. I have no problem with facts. The precautionary principle is a gross misuse of power - shutting down a business and causing it loss is just that. There is no health issue - merely California going over the top. No one is suffering as a consequence of consuming this product.

    You are the one who is thick here - indeed, you make ebony look like balsa wood.

    I'm sure Julia will be along shortly to apologise profoundly to you for her stringent publishing schedule. How naughty of her to put you to such inconvenience.

    You wouldn't know facts if they smacked you between the eyeballs with a piece of four by two - and you certainly cannot construct an argument without resorting to logical fallacy - although, to be fair, you have managed to add one more to your collection, We now get the tu-quoque as well as the strawman, well done, you. Pat yourself on the back and while you are at it, remind yourself that two wrongs do not make a right. I've rarely come across anyone quite so terminally stupid as you - worse, because it is wilful stupidity. You simply trot out the usual statist diarrhoea so typical of the socialist drone in awe of the state. All a dose of Rickie gives anyone is dysentery.

  13. "...ah other companies using the same methods have to be subject to federal regulations too..."

    Do let us know how many others are shut down.

    "The problem with julia's blog is her stringent publishing schedule where stories get published as quick as..."

    Actually, I usually have between 10-15 'waiting in the wings' for a publish date at any one time.

    But they are all properly stored and refrigerated to the Federally-recommended temperature.

  14. Actually, I usually have between 10-15 'waiting in the wings' for a publish date at any one time.

    I can't compete with that. I usually see what takes my fancy and write whenever the muse strikes.
