Wednesday 4 December 2013


His wife Kath, 60, a volunteer at Battersea Dogs Home, was left traumatised by the incident.
“I’m absolutely devastated,” she said. “I wish the joyriders were dead. To see your husband standing by the side of the road with a dead dog in his hands is just horrible.
“She was a wonderful animal and I hope something is done, but I’m sure the ba*****s will get away with having their fun. I really hope they were hurt in the process.”
Me too, love. Me too. It's about time karma upped its game.
Officers say they are investigating, but no arrests have been made.
I'm surprised they didn't arrest her for being insufficiently respectful of the thieving little scrotes' rights...


  1. It's about time karma upped its game.


    Even the most benevolent people have a tipping-point. A friend of impeccable socialist and well-meaning pacifist credentials took an education job in a young offenders' institution; two years of constant abuse and having her belongings stolen or damaged brought about a Damascene conversion, and she now pours scorn on suggestions of 'low self-esteem' or 'deprivation' and describes her former charges in terms very much like those quoted here.

  2. I'm surprised they didn't arrest her for being insufficiently respectful of the thieving little scrotes' rights...


  3. "...and she now pours scorn on suggestions of 'low self-esteem' or 'deprivation' and describes her former charges in terms very much like those quoted here."

    Thank god some people are able to cast off their blinkers!
