Thursday 2 January 2014


Ziko Sulliman, a Muslim from Sudan, attacked Zakaria Zain in a dispute days after the squaddie's death.
The pair had been drinking in Sulliman's home in Middlesbrough when a report of the killing was on TV news.
Wait, what?
Sulliman was remanded in custody and will be sentenced on September 6 after a background report has been prepared.
Andrew Teate, defending, told Judge Tony Briggs: "He is aware a lengthy custodial sentence will follow."
Well, clearly he's been drinking! With our justice system, I wouldn't be so sure of that!


  1. Nice lessening of charges there. Woulda thought "I'll send you to God" qualified as Attempted Murder.

    But then what do I know ? I just remember when we had a justice system and I weep for it's long, lingering and drawn-out painful death.

  2. Ancient + Tattered Airman2 January 2014 at 20:22

    Muslims drinking? Surely not!

  3. Bunny

    Muslim drinking, living with girlfriend but is still so pious that he thinks murdering an unarmed squaddie is ok. How about not giving him a prison sentence but sending him back to Sudan, see how he gets on with the Mad Mullah's mates.

    I have come across some Sudanese in the course of business and I have the slight suspicion that they are farming their idiots out on us. Sort great that's another cretin gone, the country is in a slightly better place.

  4. "Nice lessening of charges there."

    We've dumbed everything else down - why not the justice system too? :/

    "Muslims drinking? Surely not!"

    I know! I'm shocked!

    "How about not giving him a prison sentence but sending him back to Sudan, see how he gets on with the Mad Mullah's mates."

    I'm up for that!
