Wednesday 22 January 2014

I Can’t Think Why Elvis Costello Didn’t Want To Go To Chelsea…

A Thamesmead mum in a block of flats which was left without water for more than 30 hours says the problem ‘would not happen in Chelsea’.
Because in Chelsea, they have magic water supplies that never ever break down…


  1. 30 hours! OMG how did she cope!?

    Considering she probably spent 8-10 of those hours in bed and a further 10 at w...

    What am I saying?

  2. A grovelling apology from directors of this Housing Association should be followed by seppuku for accepting such a tenant.

  3. I reckon the upper classes will always get a better service, its bonkers to think othewwise, tis the way the world works.

    Perhaps if the picture of the woman was changed to a UKIP councillor who was banging on about water companies failure to provide a service and government policy then it would be all so different.

    I reckon the water company took the same attitude as you Julia

    fuck them, they deserve to wait.

  4. Oh the irony "Paddlesteamer House" !

  5. I know that W4 isn't quite as nice as SW3 but does two days count?

    @Bucko - yes, we showered at the 'w' word.

  6. She could always take Elvis Costello's dad's advice and be a 'Secret Lemonade drinker'

  7. Probably took a day to find an armoured Ural water board truck complete with crash hatted and tooled up geezers to venture into Thamesmead Wastelands unescorted.

    An old friend had the dubious pleasure of delivering to the Kwik Save emporium of that fair parish many moons ago...silly boy failed to turn his lorry fridge off before arrival at 9 am.

    A local resident, preumably disturbed from his studies reminded him of his folly by hurling a full sized refrigerator from the top of the block of flats next door, narrowly missing his lorry cab.



  8. to be honest, I always thought Elvis Costello was crap...

  9. "I always thought Elvis Costello was crap..."
    In your munificence, Dioclese, you use the past tense. My best recollections of the plucker are his unfailing commitment to calling any spade a n*****.

  10. "What am I saying?"


    "Oh the irony "Paddlesteamer House" !"


    "to be honest, I always thought Elvis Costello was crap..."

    I'm quite a fan. Of his music only, not his politics.
