Tuesday 7 January 2014

PC James Johnson Clearly Doesn't Read The News...

Police dog expert Pc James Johnson said:”In my experience it is very rare for one dog to kill another...
Some 'dog expert' you are...

Nor is he the only cretin:
Former police dog trainer Ian McParland showed the Judge a six minute video of behavioural tests he carried out with Riley, including taking toys and treats away from him and bopping him on the nose.
He said:”He is a lovely dog, friendly around people, affable, and he showed no aggression whatsoever. I found him instantly trainable.”
He said the attack on Folly was out of character and the result of a ‘predatory chase motor sequence’ in which he went after the small dog because it ran away. He said Riley may have thought he was playing with the other dog rather than attacking it.
It really doesn't matter what he thinks, does it? And how much has it cost for these people to attempt to save some chav's banned breed dog?

Luckily, the magistrates weren't having any of it this time:
Magistrates made an order for Riley to be put down after police experts certified he was a pit bull type dog and subject to the Dangerous Dogs Act.
What a pity he couldn't order the same for the owners...

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