Friday 3 January 2014

*Taps Dial* Nope, Nothin'...

The brutal killer of a kind and gentle grandmother has been targeted by bullies behind bars, it has emerged.
Gosh, really? Wait, wait, I'm not getting a reading...

The 41-year-old is now treated by staff at the jail in Stockton as a vulnerable prisoner, his lawyer revealed.
"He bears the scars of the accident and medical intervention, with huge scars across his head.
"He does not look 'normal' and has been targeted in prison already. He had one eye pointing one way, and one pointing the other.
"He has been placed as a vulnerable prisoner."
Oh dear, so sad...


  1. Fidel Cuntstruck3 January 2014 at 11:58

    In the words of the inimitable Sgt Major Williams ...

    "Oh dear .... how sad ... never mind"

    What is it they say? "If you can't do the time ...."

  2. Bunny

    In for his second murder, pray tell why was he allowed out after his first?

    Perhaps he should be given an option, suicide or back into the general prison population.

  3. "
    In for his second murder, pray tell why was he allowed out after his first? "

    because he has never been jailed for Murder. He killed a woman in a joyriding accident and this second killing came after his own accident. Even the CPS had to accept that this second killing wasn't murder.

    The real scandal here is not that he was freed after causing the death of someone while joyriding and even less that he has 'gotten away with murder'. The scandal here is that the people who should have prevented his killing again didn't.

  4. "He does not look 'normal' ... He had one eye pointing one way, and one pointing the other.

    The same charge could be levelled at the slovenly, worthless pustule James Gordon Brown, whose masterly handling of the Exchequer has ensured warmth for so many grandmothers.

  5. "In for his second murder, pray tell why was he allowed out after his first? "

    Well, Blocked Dwarf has the answer there. Legal niceties.

    I'm sure it makes all the difference to the dead victim.

  6. The Blocked Dwarf4 January 2014 at 14:33

    "Well, Blocked Dwarf has the answer there. Legal niceties. "

    Not sure I would describe the difference between 'unlawful killing','death by dangerous driving','manslaughter' and 'murder' as 'niceties' unless you mean 'nice' in the original sense of the word?

    You're right that they all make no difference to the dead victim but I would counter that them, the victim, being dead and all rather means that nothing will be making any kind of difference to them ever again. (think I managed to get away without a double negative there...)

    The families of the dead however...

  7. It's amusing how violent bullies give it out but are so totally unable to take it themselves.

    I'd be slightly heartened if he had been duffed up by other prisoners because he ruthlessly killed and elderly woman, but I am prone to over optimism.

  8. Had you given any thought to posting this image, a lack of variance in the degree of giving a fuck would at least register mentally, Julia.

    Yet a growing inclination towards unladylike memes and crudities justifies adoption of the device as blog mascot.
